Sustainable Development Goals > People


HOY, Buenos Aires / FUCA, RACING AND KAPPA / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Sustainable Development Goals?

It seeks to raise awareness about testicular cancer,a disease that affects millions of men, and there is still no real understanding of the importance of early detection. It was carried out in an organic way by addressing the male audience with soccer language.

We modified the most sacred insignia of one of the most important teams in South America, its shield. In the course of 4 weeks we changed the Racing soccer team's shield in all its communication, emulating the same stages of growth of a testicular cancer. Every single content was altered, including the real time of the matches.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Soccer is the most popular sport in Argentina. And it is not only a sport, it is part of the culture of this country and concentrates the largest male audience. There is no other event more relevant and effective in capturing the attention of the male audience than soccer. That’s why, when we set out to create a campaign aimed at raising awareness about testicular cancer, we could not find a better environment than the complicity of one of the most important clubs in South America, Racing Club de Avellaneda. Moreover, at the time of the campaign, the club was going through a great soccer moment, which attracted not only the attention of the club's fans, but of the whole Argentinean and American soccer since the campaign was launched during the Libertadores Cup of America, just when some of the key matches, such as the Racing Club vs. Boca Juniors quarter-final was played.

How does this campaign fit into the overall brand objectives? How is this part of the brand's wider commitment towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?

FUCA is dedicated to developing scientific research, education and cancer prevention programs. Within this framework, awareness campaigns that inform people about the importance of cancer early detection are one of its main pillars. At the same time, Racing Club has a long trajectory as a club developing campaigns with social impact seeking to take care of its community in all those aspects of life affecting it. This is directly connected to one of UN's goals, which is the promotion of good health and wellbeing in the community. One of the ways to achive it is to carry out actions that are committed to raising awareness of issues that promote this.


According to statistics, 1 out of every 4/5 Argentineans will generate a tumor during their lifetime. It is also true that 3 out of 4 are treatable if caught in early stages.

At the same time, testicular cancer is very silent, and we have no way of realizing that it is growing in our body.

Given this situation, FUCA, Foundation for Cancer Research, Education and Prevention needed to raise awareness about the danger of missing the signs that can allow us to detect testicular cancer in an early stage.

The aim of FUCA along with Racing Club and Kappa (Racing Club's jersey brand) was to draw the attention of the largest male audience and raise awareness about the silent way in which a testicular tumor can grow and the need for regular medical check-ups for early detection.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate and the significance of the work within this context

Soccer is the most popular sport in Argentina. And it is not only a sport, it is part of the culture of this country and concentrates the largest male audience. There is no other event more relevant and effective in capturing the attention of the male audience than soccer. That’s why, when we set out to create a campaign aimed at raising awareness about testicular cancer, we could not find a better environment than the complicity of one of the most important clubs in South America, Racing Club de Avellaneda. Moreover, at the time of the campaign, the club was going through a great soccer moment, which attracted not only the attention of the club's fans, but of the whole Argentinean and American soccer since the campaign was launched during the Libertadores Cup of America, just when some of the key matches, such as the Racing Club vs. Boca Juniors quarter-final was played.

Describe the creative idea

FUCA, along with Racing Club, one of the biggest soccer teams in Argentina, and Kappa created a campaign modifying the most sacred thing a club has, its shield.

Clinically, a testicular cancer can develop in 4 weeks, the same time in which the shield was modified with slight protuberances that were growing week by week, as it happens with the stages of a tumor. We changed the shield on all the club's social networks and in every content, including real time content of every single match during that period.

It was only after 12 days that someone noticed the anomaly, even though the content was exposed to millions of people, raising reactions on social media.

We let the conversation grow, until the fourth week when Juan Ramón Fleita, Racing idol and cancer survivor, revealed the mystery behind the bulge and explained that it was an awareness campaign about testicular cancer.

Describe the strategy

As the campaign had to draw attention and raise awareness among the male audience about the importance of having medical check-ups to prevent testicular cancer, we focused on the sport gathering most of the male audience, soccer. In order to reach the largest male audience, the campaign was set out to be launched at a relevant moment for Racing, when two championships were disputed. The Argentine Cup and the Libertadores Cup, with continental audience.

Racing managed to position itself among the 4 best teams, which brought about a lot of organic press.

We profited from these opportunities to ensure that the modified logo had the greatest reach.

We choose social media to launch the campaign because the networks are visible to everyone. There, we could modify the logo week by week, evidencing more and more its alteration and allowing us to generate the action in real time during the matches.

Describe the execution

Clinically, a testicular cancer can develop in 4 weeks, the same time in which the shield was modified with slight protuberances that were growing week by week, as it happens with the stages of a tumor. We changed the shield in all the club's social networks and in every content, even those that appeared in real time.

In the fourth week of the action, with the help of Juan Ramón Fleita, Racing idol and cancer survivor, we told what it was all about through a video content posted in the club's social networks.

Together with Kappa, a limited edition of 500 jerseys with the altered club logo was made and later auctioned off at FUCA donation events.

25 days of content on social networks and 456 photos edited in real time during 6 matches.

Describe the results/impact

We unveiled the campaign with a network video and the impact exceeded all expectations both on social networks and in local and international media coverage with a 0 budget.

After 25 days of campaign and 456 edited photos in real time during the course of 6 games, we reached +72 million organic users, +4 million social media interactions and a huge media coverage in Argentina and around the world (+86 organic media coverage); but most importantly, we increased testicular cancer mentions in our country by +594%.

The campaign drew the attention of international relevant media, such as BBC and The Sun in an organic way. In addition, even months later it was recognized as the "Gesture of the Year" in the important sports magazine Panenka, thus evidencing the worldwide recognition of our campaign.

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

The expectation is that year after year, more and more men can have medical check-ups that will allow them to ensure an early detection of testicular cancer. This year we plan to go on with this awareness campaign by means of the Foundation’s auctions of the jerseys with the modified logo to bring back the conversation and raise funds for the Foundation.

Were the carbon emissions of this piece of work measured? For additional context, what consideration was given to the sustainable development, production and running of the work?

No carbon emissions were measured during the process of this campaign, but it was decided that it would be developed in 100% digital media. The production was very austere since only one audiovisual unveiling piece was produced and all the organic press that the soccer club usually receives was used to add an awareness message. In this way, the campaign was designed and executed in a sustainable way where the outreach objectives were achieved without advertising or media investment and without resorting to conventional pieces.

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