Sustainable Development Goals > Peace




Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Sustainable Development Goals?

The essence of the campaign was to awaken consciences by evoking a sense of moral responsibility by transforming a routine activity, reCAPTCHA, into a symbol of empathy and collective support. In this effort, online passive viewers have become catalysts for significant changes by actively participating in our petition. In addition to simply acknowledging the cause, some of them have also decided to support Amnesty’s activities by making a donation or becoming permanent monthly donors.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

On October 7, a devastating escalation occurred between Israel, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups. In the midst of this turmoil, Amnesty International immediately took action by launching an appeal for an immediate ceasefire. A ceasefire to end illegal attacks by all sides, stop the growing number of civilian casualties in Gaza and allow humanitarian agencies to bring life-saving aid, water and medical supplies into the Gaza Strip to counter the unspeakable level of suffering Human. Hospitals could receive life-saving medicines, fuel and equipment they desperately need to get damaged departments back up and running.

A ceasefire would also provide the opportunity to negotiate the release of hostages and to launch independent international investigations into war crimes committed by all parties to the conflict, thus ending the ongoing impunity that would otherwise continue to fuel further atrocities.

How does this campaign fit into the overall brand objectives? How is this part of the brand's wider commitment towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?

Within the framework of Amnesty International's core values and objectives, this campaign is designed to promote awareness, engagement, and advocacy on crucial issues related to human rights and global peace.

Awareness: The campaign aims to highlight humanitarian crises, bringing them to global attention and raising awareness among the public on these critical issues.

Engagement: By encouraging reflection on how to contribute to peace daily, the campaign mobilizes individuals to actively support the cause of peace.

Advocacy: Through garnering broad support for a ceasefire via an online petition, the campaign demonstrates a collective demand for peace and promotes tangible actions towards achieving this goal.

The campaign fits into the context of UN Goal 16, which aims for peaceful and fair societies and strong institutions. It does this by making people aware of humanitarian crises and why peace is important. It also gets people thinking about how they can contribute to peace every day. By gathering support for peace through an online petition, the campaign takes action to support Goal 16, which is all about making our world safer and fairer for everyone.


Since day 1, various related activities have been carried out in support of the cause: presence in the area, public demonstrations, public interventions and dissemination of news through all digital channels (site and social network) that reported the sudden worsening of the situation.

In parallel, a petition was launched on our site and hence the need for a digital campaign that would stir consciences and transform users from passive online viewers to become agents of change by supporting our appeal with a signature, useful for following up on the ceasefire request, and/or with a donation.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate and the significance of the work within this context

The campaign operates in a cultural, social, and political landscape marked by tensions and conflicts among Israel, Hamas, and other Palestinian armed groups, rooted in historical, religious, and territorial divisions, profoundly impacting people's lives.

Amnesty International's initiative is crucial as it strives to globally raise awareness about the conflict's human toll and mobilize support for peace and justice.

Employing creative strategies is vital to effectively convey their message.

In a context where civil liberties are threatened and human rights violated, the "Humanity Check" campaign aims to spur action and civic engagement, transforming social media users into activists. It not only provides updated conflict information but also actively involves people through online petitions and donations, fostering global solidarity and pressuring policymakers to promote peace and protect human rights in the region.

Describe the creative idea

We launched "Humanity Check", a campaign that leveraged the logic of reCAPTCHA to catalyze social action, transforming routine verification into an act of human solidarity. It challenged the passive online viewers to become agents of change.

Each post, visual or IG story, complete with updated numbers about the catastrophe, culminated in a "Humanity Check" and a call to action to sign our petition for a ceasefire.

Describe the strategy

The platforms affected were all the social channels regularly used by Amnesty (FB, IG, Twitter and the NGO website). The target was transversal and varied, Italian, adults, located throughout the peninsula without limitations.

The approach was to have a series of posts and stories that told the different situations and which, in addition to awareness of the petition, acted as a driving force for signing the petition.

The choice of IG Stories as a vehicle was born from the need to have always updated data that would tell how quickly the escalation was worsening. The sound helped to immerse oneself in situations and the "Humanity Check" together with the CTA to sign the petition, closed the circle by making the user reflect on the true meaning of "humanity".

Describe the execution

We used the visuals in various ways: from the header of the petition landing page to the newsletter, from awareness posts to stories that had the task of making you experience that tragedy even just for a little while and move you into action. Everyone pointed to the page inviting people to sign the appeal. The campaign was highly appreciated by other international sections, so much so that Amnesty International New Zealand and Amnesty International Australia decided to use the same assets to broaden the scope of the campaign by moving with visual coherence. Other countries are interested in using the campaign.

Describe the results/impact

The engagement rate was high and with more than 750 daily signatures, +123 new monthly donors and 3.5 million global signatures, our appeal reached world leaders loud and clear and moved people. On February 14, 2024, the two main Italian political forces moved and agreed on the line of request for a ceasefire. After many months of silence, finally a position has been taken. Could it also be thanks to us and all the people who have been shouting for months?

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

In the midst of the ongoing conflict, our commitment to peace and justice remains steadfast. Despite the challenges, every action we take brings us closer to a better future. We continue to sow seeds of hope amidst the chaos, knowing that change is possible, even in the toughest times. Our primary goal remains to raise awareness among as many people as possible about the suffering of the populations on every side, fostering solidarity and support for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. It's worth noting that this approach has been adopted by other divisions of Amnesty International worldwide, amplifying its impact and reach. This is a clear indication that such activities work on a global scale and mark a correct and effective approach for future communication endeavors.

Maybe, but ultimately we will never be satisfied until until we no longer need to prove we are human

Were the carbon emissions of this piece of work measured? For additional context, what consideration was given to the sustainable development, production and running of the work?

We have no evidence on the carbon values ​​of this piece, but Amnesty International is firmly committed to promoting human rights in every aspect of our work, and this includes awareness of the importance of keeping our operations sustainable and we will continue to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. We are actively pursuing many petitions to support people fighting for the preservation of the Earth. The fight for human rights and the rights of Mother Earth goes hand in hand with promoting a sustainable future for our planet.

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