Media > Insights & Media Strategy


adam&eveDDB, London / POT NOODLE / UNILEVER / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Media?

We set out to prove that nothing satisfies like Pot Noodle. So we made the sound of satisfaction the star of our campaign: a giant SLUUURPP. But when the nation recoiled, we used audience data to pivot our strategy and delight the people we had disgusted. We accessed data through media, identifying who had skipped our adverts to identify those who hated the SLURP. Then we used data on their interests and passions to target them on YouTube and Social with bespoke versions of our advert featuring sounds we knew they would enjoy, delivering a hyper-targeted and hyper-satisfying campaign.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Pot Noodle has been a British lunchtime meal for 40 years. It’s a satisfying, affordable meal in a pot, which cooks in 4 mins. It’s loved by people across the country and is a cupboard staple for most. Pot Noodle is a humble and down-to-earth brand and product that is loved by everyday people and unfairly looked down upon by foodie snobs.

The UK is a country that values etiquette and proper table manners. Slurping is considered highly unappealing!


Pot Noodle is the UK’s leading instant noodle brand. But we faced a growing threat from authentic noodle brands from overseas vying for our shelf space, and Supermarket’s own brand undercutting us on price. We needed to defend our position as the original and the best noodle brand in the market by proving we deliver ultimate satisfaction, and ultimately grow our market share and penetration.

Describe the creative idea/insights

We set out to prove that nothing satisfies like Pot Noodle. So we made the sound of satisfaction the star of our campaign: a big, sloppy SLUUURPP. But when the nation recoiled, we realised we needed to act quickly to ensure everyone was satisfied. So we used campaign data on who had skipped our adverts to identify those who hated the SLURP, and data on audience interests to serve bespoke versions on YouTube and social of our advert replacing the SLURP with sounds we knew they would find much more satisfying. We created 47 unique versions featuring SFX from birds tweeting to keyboards typing. The adverts also ran on TV, tailoring the sounds to the programming. Our quick response and use of data to inform the creative execution delivered a unique brand experience that successfully won over an audience who hated the slurp so much they sent us death threats.

Describe the strategy

We used campaign engagement data on who had skipped our adverts at the moment the SLURP began to identify those who hated the SLURP, and Meta and Google data on audience interests and passions to serve bespoke versions on YouTube and social of our advert replacing the SLURP with sounds we knew they would find much more satisfying. We created 47 unique versions featuring SFX from birds tweeting to keyboards typing. The adverts also ran on TV, tailoring the sounds to the programming.

Across TV sport (specifically football and F1) was a high passion point. TV entertainment, with the highest indexing brand being Ant and Dec, was the next most prominent followed by Pets. Here we then matched the replacement sounds to interests based on audience targeting size on digital, retargeting those who have already seen the ad, while cherry picking high indexing shows, e.g. Ant & Dec’s Saturday.

Describe the execution

We produced over 50 different bespoke edits in order to target individuals with their interests in mind across YouTube and social. As well as this we went live with OOH, Radio & Press. The campaign went live Feb 3rd and finishes May 12th.

List the results

The campaign landed with immediate impact, generating a 399% increase in online conversation about Pot Noodle that was sustained in the 10 weeks following launch. There were over 10,000 online comments about the advert and we achieved 15.3 million reach in earned media. Total Pot Noodle sales increased by 25% in the 4 weeks following launch, and we gained 15% market share.

Our quick pivot in strategy and the use of data to deliver bespoke and hyper-targeted adverts designed for satisfaction successfully won over the angry mob and we saw an increase in positive sentiment online at the point we switched the slurp for alternative sounds in our campaign.

Paid Media - ​​637k clicks, clickable channels only (Social, YouTube + BVOD)

Meta: 8,861,095 (engagements)

Snap: 204,656 (Engagements)

TikTok: 229,187 (Engagements)

Describe the use of data, or how the data enhanced the work

Data was a huge part of the Slurp campaign, we used it to target individuals who were unsatisfied by our hero campaign due to the SFX. Through data we identified those who had skipped the ad when the slurp noise started. We then we looked at their data to find out what actually satisfies them and re-targeted them with new edits tailored specifically to their satisfaction. Each edit was the same as our hero ad but with a new SFX rather then the slurp. We made 47 edits to ensure we reached as many people as possible. 47 went live on social & Youtube, and 7 on TV, targeting people based on what programmes they were watching.

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