Media > Channels




Silver Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Media?

This work is highly relevant for Media because it innovates by turning an underutilized space—the interiors of windows—into a new advertising medium. By branding the inside of windows at key venues frequented by the target audience, Corona creates "in-store outdoors" advertising spaces that capture attention in a unique way. This approach not only reaches consumers in a high-traffic setting but also engages them at a moment of relaxation and enjoyment, enhancing the impact of the message. This strategic use of physical space exemplifies a creative media solution that maximizes visibility and effectiveness, aligning perfectly with the brand’s identity and audience’s lifestyle.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Corona is positioned as a premium brand in Peru, a growing and recent market for the company. Here, Corona is not merely seen as popular but as a distinctive choice specifically associated with summer and select moments.


Corona is globally linked to sunsets and relaxation. In Peru, a newer market for Corona, the goal was to make enjoying a Corona at sunset a daily ritual, not just a seasonal treat. The "Everyday Sunsets" initiative aimed to integrate this global identity into daily life, enhancing Corona's presence with a cost-effective and scalable design. This strategy leverages natural beauty and routine, using smart, efficient design to transform ordinary moments into branded experiences, positioning the campaign for easy expansion without requiring a large budget.

Describe the creative idea/insights

The creative idea of "Rent Your Sunset" uses design to transform everyday window views into unique advertising opportunities for Corona. By branding the interiors of selected venue windows, this campaign turns simple sunset views into immersive Corona experiences. The design highlights the natural beauty of the sunset, integrating the brand subtly and effectively into a daily phenomenon. This minimalistic approach creates a memorable connection between the audience and Corona, redefining the space as a branded, aesthetic experience

Describe the strategy

The strategy was twofold: partner with businesses that command high daily traffic and are frequented by our target audience, and enhance the natural moment of sunset without being invasive. This approach ensured that Corona was present in a way that added value to the sunset experience, aligning the brand with moments of relaxation and connection with nature. The campaign was further amplified by a robust digital and influencer strategy, where influencers popular with our audience encouraged both business participation and consumer attendance, driving traffic to these sunset spots to enjoy Coronas

Describe the execution

The execution of "Rent Your Sunset" involved using eco-friendly paint to brand window interiors, subtly enhancing the view without overwhelming it, while respecting the original designs. This method was chosen for its cost-effectiveness and scalability, allowing us to expand the initiative as needed.

Through the dedicated website,, venues frequented by our target audience applied to participate. We selected the most impactful locations, creating advertising spaces that naturally highlight the sunset and engage consumers with the Corona brand. This scalable approach ensures we can continue to expand our reach economically by branding additional windows as opportunities arise.

List the results

- New Media: + 300 Sunset Spots

- Scalability: 16 Cities (until now)

- Reach: + 800 K people monthly

- Impressions: + 100 M the first month

- Consumer retention (time): + 20% Increase

- Website traffic: + 90 K visits

- Corona + Sunset association: + 25% Increase

How is this work relevant to this channel?

This ambient work is highly relevant to the channel as it strategically transforms venue windows into impactful brand displays, capitalizing on the common behavior of sunset viewing and photography. "Rent Your Sunset" effectively turns these everyday moments into unique, branded experiences by positioning Corona within these shared social activities. By integrating the brand into areas frequented by the target audience, the campaign extends brand visibility and enhances consumer engagement in a natural, memorable way, making the most of a routine yet special daily occurrence.

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