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Why is this work relevant for Social & Influencer?

The Most Illegal Beer is an intriguing, provocative product made for the social age, with the aim to trigger broad discussions about the sexist laws still existing worldwide, engaging everyone to activate faster changes. With the beer as our trojan horse, we hacked our feminist topic even into male conversations on social media.

During the campaign, influencer mobilization was important to help widespread the conversation.

The beer became a social media phenomenon, sparking dialogues across the globe about gender injustices. It was even discussed about in countries with laws broken by the beer.

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Muschicraft, which translates as “Pussy Power”, is a feminist beer brand founded to provoke the “male standard” in the beer world. That’s why The Most Illegal Beer was created for it. It’s a step further for the brand to challenge the other “male standards” prevailing in our societies around the world – the laws that were written by men but are still restricting women’s freedoms nowadays.

Since 2010, World Bank has been publishing the “Women, Business and The Law” report every 1-2 years. Part of the report is to review the unequal laws around the world. Over a decade have passed. Almost no common people have been made aware of such widely existing gender injustices, and many of these laws remain unchanged. To drive faster progress, we need to raise wide public awareness and create greater momentum for change. The Most Illegal Beer was born for this mission.

The unequal laws broken by The Most Illegal Beer were primarily based on the “Women, Business and The Law” report 2023. The 2024 report was released only after our project.


In over 70 countries worldwide, laws still exist which prohibit women from doing things that men are allowed to do -- laws that restrict women’s choice of jobs and dictate how they should look and behave. It’s a harsh reminder of the reality of gender inequality nowadays: Women are still denied the same professional and personal freedoms as men globally.

The Most Illegal Beer was created with the mission to, for the first time ever, shine a spotlight on these outdated, sexist laws long hidden in the legal systems around the world, and drive faster progress toward gender equality.

With this intriguing, provocative beer, the project intended to start a conversation engaging all genders, even the group who are usually more indifferent to gender equality topics -- men. The wide-spread discussions were used to generate greater momentum for change.

Describe the creative idea

We hijacked the holy water of manhood, as the perfect conversation opener for everyone, in real life, and on social media.

The Most Illegal Beer breaks the laws from over 50 countries worldwide – simply because it’s made by women.

Women from around the world came together to create this beer, doing the things that are forbidden for women but allowed for men. They worked in brewery with yeast, produced alcohol, cleaned and repaired running machinery, pulled night shifts, used hand trucks, lifted heavy beers, drove trucks, wore make-up and tight, low-cut jeans, drank beer in bars, and more! The entire process intentionally violates the sexist laws from their countries of origin, including Russia, Uruguay, Italy, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and the USA.

Sales of the beer raised money for Women For Women International, an organisation that fights for global gender equality.

Describe the strategy

Gender equality is always presumed to be only talked about by females. However, to trigger real changes, we need to involve all genders, including men.

Keeping this special target audience also in mind, we created The Most Illegal Beer. Not only because beer is a natural conversation opener for everyone, but also because beer is seen as the holy water of manhood and is a beloved topic among males.

Our approach was to hack our feminist topic into male conversations with this provocative beer, engaging a group traditionally more indifferent to women’s rights issues, in real life, and on social media.

By instilling global gender injustices in a simple beer, we made a big, complicated topic easy to be talked about in the social age. The beer was also uniquely designed to be a provocative rebel -- a perfect picture for sharing.

Describe the execution

The beer was launched on International Women’s Day, with an online film showing how the beer was made, which was widely shared on social media.

By sending out special beer parcels, we secured posts and unboxings from many prominent influencers, like Stefanie Giesinger (5.2M followers), Coralia Glavas (380k), Gianna Bacio (134k).

The intriguing story was also covered by leading media outlets worldwide. Many of them shared the story on their social channels too, including Berliner Zeitung, Business Punk, Design TAXI, Época Negócios, etc. – which spread the discussions even wider.

The beer was sold in bars, stores, and online too – which could also deliver aboard. The beer’s story was printed on its label, ready to be shared. The project was supported with OOHs and POS assets -- all designed for social sharing as well. We also mailed the beer to lawmakers in countries with such laws, to drive change.

List the results

The Most Illegal Beer became a social media phenomenon, sparking dialogues worldwide about gender injustices. It was even discussed about in countries with laws broken by the beer, like in Russia, Italy, Uruguay, the USA, and on Weibo in China.

So far, the project has garnered over 1.68B reach worldwide, and online conversations about these unequal laws increased by 290%. Everyone was activated. Men were engaged in the gender equality talk more than ever. They got mobilized to rethink the reality of gender inequality, and even to demand change.

Muschicraft’s social engagement went up by 1571%, while brand mentions raised 4000%. With this project, we put this provocative feminist beer brand firmly onto the map of the male-dominated beer world, and in people’s minds too.

The Most Illegal Beer gave Muschicraft 300% faster sales growth than category average. After a quick sold-out, a second batch is already brewed.

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