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Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Serviced offices haven’t traditionally been the subject of excited conversations between small-business people and entrepreneurs.

Servcorp, the world’s second largest serviced and virtual office provider wanted to change this and so increase brand awareness and drive enquiries for their products.We singled out a compelling insight: with Servcorp, even a one man band can be a multinational company. Then engineered the ultimate demonstration: we enlisted a budding entrepreneur called Sebastien and sent him off around the world to build Sebastien International - The World’s Smallest Multinational.

And we made sure that as many people as possible in our target market of small-business people and entrepreneurs in Australia, the UK and US heard about it. Press releases spawned over 400 news articles, including pieces on Forbes, Reuters, CNBC News and a wide variety of small business sites.We filmed Seb’s bold business adventure and created a web-series that we syndicated to carefully select relevant websites. It has so far attracted over 210,000 views.We achieved a total reach of approximately 18.2 million people, and sales went through the roof - an increase of 260%.Do you need to read any further?


Despite being the second biggest player in the market worldwide, the Servcorp brand lacked meaningful awareness. Put simply - our audience was unaware of what Servcorp could help their business achieve.Our task was to build brand awareness, relevance and buzz within the small - business and entrepreneur community in Australia, the UK and USA.


We advertised on small business and entrepreneur blogs, and ran a YouTube casting to find our aspiring entrepreneur - Sebastien.We set Sebastien up with a Servcorp package with addresses in Tokyo, London, Paris, New York and San Francisco, then sent him out to build his business, accompanied by a film crew.We sent out press releases to business and entrepreneur sites announcing Seb’s bid to become the world’s smallest multinational. We positioned Servcorp as official sponsor of this bold business challenge.Throughout his trip Sebastien used Servcorp facilities to conduct meetings and do business. He provided live updates of his progress through social media.We arranged networking events in each city with other entrepreneurs and potential Servcorp clients, and scheduled guest contributions to key publications. We then created the Sebastien International web-series, carefully selected entrepreneur and business sites in our target markets and syndicated our content to them.


- The campaign achieved a total reach of approximately 18.2 million people.

- Over 210,000 web series views.- Coverage on over 5,000 websites.- Over 400 news articles written on major business-news websites worldwide, including Forbes, Reuters and CNBC.- 261% increase in sales during the campaign period.- Seb’s adventure clearly inspired its audience - one US businessman rented 6 serviced offices as a direct consequence of having followed the series. This represents half the campaign budget in a single sale!- Sebastien now plays a brand ambassador role in Servcorp comms’ and events.


We started from a highly compelling truth: with Servcorp even a one man band can be a multinational company.Entrepreneurs are, by definition "doers" not talkers. We knew that to appeal to them, we would have to do a lot more than just tell them what is possible with Servcorp. So we chose to engineer the ultimate product demonstration. We enlisted Sebastien, a budding Australian entrepreneur and sent him round the world, using Servcorp facilities to attempt to build The World’s Smallest Multinational.

We communicated Servcorp’s involvement with the project as "official sponsor" of Sebastien’s bold business adventure.

This approach gave us multiple opportunities to reach our audience with an inspiring true story:1. Press releases pre-departure to relevant entrepreneur and small business websites.2. Social media (Twitter, Facebook & blog posts) during Sebastien’s world tour.3. A Servcorp sponsored "Sebastien International" documentary web series, syndicated to relevant sites.


Servcorp is the world’s second largest Serviced and Virtual Office provider. They provide small businesses with all the facilities of an office at a prestigious business address without the high costs of renting office space full-time. And, importantly, these facilities are available in 130 locations and 22 countries worldwide.Virtual and Serviced offices have not traditionally captured the imagination of the small business/entrepreneur community, and have been seen merely as a temporary measure before a business can afford its own "real" office.We needed to change this and find a way to inspire small-business people with the opportunities that Servcorp can afford them.

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