Creative Strategy > Challenges & Breakthroughs



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Why is this work relevant for Creative Strategy?

The "White Suits Girls" campaign addresses a significant societal challenge and has strategic planning to solve this big problem in a lot of ways.

First, we mapped regions with lots of early marriages in Azerbaijan. We sent millions of text messages to parents there and put up billboards near judo halls. Second, we gave free judo gear and training to girls for a month. Third, we changed TV shows for a day to talk about our campaign. Our film made people understand. We asked parents to support us. And in just a month, we reached our goal.



In Azerbaijan, many girls get married early. Families prioritize marrying off their daughters, and think getting their daughters married is more important than their dreams.

Not many girls play sports like judo in Azerbaijan. Also, 2011 babies were born to girls under 18.


Make a campaign about early marriages in Azerbaijan. Help girls follow their dreams and play sports like judo. Make families think about why they marry off their girls instead of letting them chase their dreams.


– Tell people about early marriages and how they affect girls' lives.

– Help girls feel strong and follow their dreams, especially in sports.

– Get more girls involved in sports, especially judo, to make things fair for everyone.

– Start conversations about early marriages to make things better for girls.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The "White Suits Girls" campaign was made for Azerbaijan, a country where early marriages are a big issue. With 2,011 babies born to girls under 18 due to these marriages, urgent intervention was needed. Moreover, in sports like judo, where only 6% of athletes were girls out of 16,867, there was a clear need to empower girls and break gender barriers.

In Azerbaijan, many people think it's more important for girls to marry early than to follow their dreams. But our campaign said girls can be strong and chase their dreams. We used white judo uniform to show this shift from the traditional white wedding dress. This white judo uniform represents strength and freedom for girls.

The campaign happened at the same time as more people were talking about early marriages, which was a good time to make a difference. By offering free judo uniforms and training, it aimed to empower girls and reshape cultural norms, promoting gender equality in Azerbaijan.


The business challenge the brand was facing:

The brand needed to address the issue of early marriages in Azerbaijan, which held back girls' opportunities and continued gender inequality. Additionally, there were only a few female judo athletes out of 16,867 judo athletes.

How did we interpret the client needs and brand values:

We recognized the brand's commitment to empowering girls and promoting gender equality. This inspired us to develop our campaign addressing the challenges faced by girls in Azerbaijan.

Industry/target market:

Our focus was on Azerbaijan, targeting regions where early marriages were common. Our audience included families, especially mothers and fathers.

The desired outcome:

We aimed to raise awareness about early marriages, particularly in sports like judo, and start taking actions to improve conditions for girls. The goal was to ensure fairness for girls in Azerbaijan and change lives, possibly saving thousands from early marriage.

Insight/Breakthrough Thinking

Our strategic process involved comprehensive research to address multiple objectives. And the methods to achieve the objectives included data analysis, SMS outreach, billboard placement, TV show collaborations, empathetic storytelling, opening judo halls, and improving the sports conditions in the regions.

Our insights, drawn from different sources, revealed bad statistics: in 2022, forced early marriages led to 2,011 child births by teenage mothers in Azerbaijan, while only 15% of athletes in the country were women. Research identified regions with high early marriage rates, informing targeted communication strategies. Interviews with victims highlighted financial struggles and family honor as key factors for the problem.

One challenge was the lack of judo schools or suitable sports facilities in regions with high rates of early marriage. We addressed this by establishing judo schools and improving sports conditions.

A breakthrough occurred when over one hundred girls joined on the first day, enhancing our impact.

Creative Idea

Our creative idea is about changing from the usual white wedding dress to the white judo uniform. That's why we called our campaign "White Suits Girls."

We also made a short film. It showed parents who wanted to marry off their daughter but changed their minds after receiving our SMS messages. They decided to enroll their daughter in judo instead.

Our strategy guided every aspect of the execution. We targeted regions with high early marriage rates, used SMS for wide reach, provided free judo uniforms and training, and showcased our film on popular TV shows. This approach directly impacted our execution, doubling judo participation and reshaping societal norms.


The "White Suits Girls" campaign doubled female judo athletes and boosted awareness about early marriage, increasing female judo participation from 1,067 to 2,067. This empowered girls and challenged societal norms, highlighting our effective strategies.

Positioning the brand as a gender equality advocate, the campaign gathered respect. By advocating for girls' rights and offering free judo uniform and training, it deepened brand loyalty. Opening judo schools and enhancing sports conditions targeted regions with high early marriage rates, reaching parents via SMS.

The campaign impacted behavior, raised awareness, and shifted societal perceptions, earning acclaim from the National Olympic Committee of Azerbaijan and the International Judo Federation. Moreover, the rise in female judo athletes enhanced the Azerbaijan Judo Federation's image and boosted the country's potential champions, benefiting both the Federation and the nation.

Please tell us how the brand purpose inspired the work

The campaign was driven by a clear purpose: to increase female participation in judo, reduce early marriage occurrences, raise discussions, and change parental perspectives to prioritize their children's dreams over early marriage. This purpose inspired the work by guiding every aspect of the campaign's strategy and execution. We strategically targeted regions with high rates of early marriages, delivered compelling messages to parents emphasizing the importance of girls' dreams, and offered tangible support through free judo uniforms and training. By matching our efforts with the brand's purpose, we aimed to empower girls, challenge societal norms, and drive positive change in the community. Our goal was to make a difference and show that everyone deserves a chance to follow their dreams, no matter their gender. And this goal kept us going, making sure our campaign made a real impact on the world around us.

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