Cannes Lions

Block out the chaos: Football Managers / World Leaders

CHEIL WORLDWIDE, Hong Kong / JBL / 2018


4 Bronze Cannes Lions
4 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Digital Proof JPG
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Digital Proof JPG
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‘Block out the chaos’ illustrates the intolerable noise that can be avoided, thanks to JBL’s noise-cancelling headphones.


From screaming world leaders to shouting football managers, every intricate detail was meticulously designed to convey the tension of extreme chaos. The intolerable noise was blocked out with negative space that represents the calming effect of JBL’s noise-cancelling headphones. The intricate design became a striking representation of the brand. And the meticulous craftsmanship became a symbol of its unwavering devotion to pure music.


JBL had found its voice. The posters became a striking representation of its noise-cancelling headphones. And the meticulous craftsmanship became a symbol of its unwavering devotion to pure music.

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