Cannes Lions

24 Hour Live Experiment

CIRCUS, Istanbul / FINISH / 2022

Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






Finish has put water conservation at the center of its communication by spreading awareness and educating the population of Turkey for the last 3 years. Its campaign, focused on ending a simple pre-rinsing habit, reached millions of consumers and saved precious freshwater.

Even though 6 million households joined this movement in three years, people continued their habit of pre-rinsing, believing that dry stains couldn't be removed with detergent alone.

In its fourth year of communication, Finish's new product, Quantum Ultimate, claimed to remove even dried food stains that had been left for 24 hours without pre-rinsing, thanks to its improved formula. Brand needed to ensure that there was no doubt about its product's power in the minds of the consumers.


We aimed at three goals: to prove detergent's performance power, make people stop pre-rinsing their dishes, and instill the central message of "24 Hours" into the minds of the consumers.

We had to make sure that we reached the core purchase decision-makers- the female target audience. We chose the most-watched female audience OPT TV slots on three major national TV channels. We decided to launch it as a roadblock series to maximize our reach and ensure the message would be delivered to the audience.

Creating a live ad broadcast on competing channels simultaneously was an unprecedented media application. The most challenging process was to ensure that all the participating channels handed over their entire broadcast control to the single director of one rival TV channel and organized more than 250 people to work in harmony so that the live broadcast could take place on all TV channels simultaneously.


We invited the original cast of Finish advertising to participate in the studio experiment.

We launched our first roadblock ad at exactly 11:00 o'clock on day one. The talents placed food stained dishes into the dishwashing machine. The machine was sealed by notary, and the dishes were left inside the machine for 24 hours to dry.

24 hours later, at the same time, we launched second live roadblock. The notary opened the sealed dishwashing machine and presented dried stained dishes. Afterward, we started the washing cycle.

Then we launched our final roadblock and presented sparkling clean dishes to the whole country.

We placed notarized 4K images of the clean dishes on the website for its visitors to zoom in. To maximize reach out and frequency, we created a single 35-seconds TVC out of our 3 roadblocks footage and broadcasted it on national channels and distributed it digitally.


More than 7.5 million people had witnessed the live roadblock experiment and the additional TVC we managed to reach 24 million viewership in total.

The next day after the live roadblock experiment, regular retail daily Finish sales have increased by %67, e-commerce fast delivery retail increased x28 in comparison to the period before our live broadcast.

The number of website visitors grew seven times.

But most importantly, we crushed any remaining doubt in the consumer's mind and encouraged people to stop pre-rinsing their dishes and keep saving precious water.

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