Cannes Lions

2'45" Without Breathing

DDB COLOMBIA, Bogota / BBVA / 2018


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
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We published an ad that takes to be read the same time Sofía spent under the sea to achieve the world record. Then we challenged the people to read it holding their breath in and upload a picture to their social networks showing how far they had read, to compete with their friends.


We published a single ad in the most important newspaper in the country, on a Sunday, the day when this media is the most circulated. The call to action of the ad challenged the people to upload a picture to their social networks showing how far they could read holding their breath in, with the #BBVAconSofia.

To support this action, we also published on our Facebook page a post that invited the people to buy the newspaper to get the ad and accept the challenge. Many people did and challenged more people. This is how a simple ad, turned an unknown record of an unknown athlete, in a record that an entire country shared.


1,9 MM readers in 24 hours

+16 MM impressions on social networks in just a weekend

Trending topic for an entire day

Free press about the ad

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