Spikes Asia

#3890 Tigers + WWF


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o The tiger is part of culture across the world, and has been Tiger Beer’s emblem since the brand started in 1932. Yet due to illegal tiger trade, today only 3890 tigers remain in the wild. Whilst donations can reduce supply, poaching will never cease if demand continues. In the heavily saturated world of charitable giving, we needed to cut through to save these magnificent animals.

o Our objective was to launch the six year WWF x Tiger Beer partnership by raising awareness of the plight of the tigers and helping WWF achieve their goal of doubling wild tiger numbers by 2022. But we needed to save our brand icon in a way true to Tiger Beer – by tapping into the potential of our consumers across the world (our Uncage brand philosophy) and uniting creativity from the streets of the world behind a common cause.


o Activated in 11 countries, 3890tigers centres on a web app integrating art and AI technology to create custom selfies. The campaign was launched with an art installation in our home market of Singapore. We then amplified the campaign with 7 online films educating and inspiring consumers as artists from six countries created tiger art. A network of influencers, publications and social posts amplified the campaign further and drove consumers to 3890tigers.com. We even created a bespoke track, composed by our films narrator Dumbfoundead that is available on iTunes to purchase, with all proceeds going to WWF. To show support, we removed the tiger from our logo across packaging for the first time since the brand started in 1932. The 2 month long campaign, culminated in connected events in 8 countries across the world for World Tiger Day – an international day created by WWF to celebrate the tiger.

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