Cannes Lions

88 Year Old News Anchor



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






How do you promote the importance of elderly people when 8 out of 10 people in Chile associate the process of getting old with decay and misfortune? The #1 NGO for elderly, Fundación Las Rosas, needed to change this perception. And of course, obtain new resources to serve 2200 seniors in its 29 centers.

With that in mind, we set 2 goals:

• Demonstrate that in our elders there are still many skills and abilities and many are fully valid, unlike what a large part of society believes

• Get US$ 100,000 through new partners for the NGO


The central idea was to help change the perception of decay and misfortune associated with the elderly, showing through the return of an 88-years-old news anchor the skills, abilities and validity of our seniors.

In other words, the best way to change negative perceptions and make our seniors visible again, was to be the news. That's why two decades after his last appearance on camera, we brought Javier Miranda, the iconic and legendary 88-years-old news anchor, back to Chile's most important TV news. An action that took place on the National Elderly Day, and which served as an inspiring example of respect and recognition of the experience, wisdom and will of our seniors.

We directed the campaign to the mainstream audience, but we focused in younger generations, because 9 out of 10 people associate ageing with an unfortunate stage of life.


Reality shows that older adults are a source of valuable experience and wisdom. Many of them develop an "active aging" in the words of OMS: they continue to work and develop their contact networks, which also protects them from mental diseases.

So we thought that better than talking about the skills and abilities of our seniors, was to see them in action.

With that in mind, we generated the return of Javier Miranda to the most important news program in the country. He is a legendary news anchor who developed his activity in media for more than 50 years. More than a successful news anchor, he is part of the Chilean family. The "grandfather" of all Chileans, recognized and admired by all generations.

That’s why we directed the campaign to the mainstream audience, but we focused in younger generations, because 9 out of 10 people associate ageing with decay.


The campaign was executed on October 14, 2018 through the television channel Chilevisión, in its central newscast.

"Chilevisión News" is the most important TV news program in Chile. And the whole country witnessed the return of Javier Miranda to the media.

With his experience, wisdom and perfect diction, he won the hearts of all the Chileans once again.

This activation caused a big buzz in social media, but the main thing was that we made all Chileans talk about this relevant issue.


The campaign had great repercussion in the media and public opinion and exceeded our goals:

• Trending Topic #1 in Chile and Trending Topic #7 Worldwide using an absolutely local celebrity, which demonstrates the global importance of the topic

• 6,293 new partners in 1 month (+ 320% compared to an average month).

• 63% of these new partners, under 30 years old

• Helped to raise US $ 2,600,000 with this simple idea. Enough resources to meet the needs of the older adults of the NGO for 6 months

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