Cannes Lions

A Chat Away From Everything

GREY ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires / ITAU / 2023

Demo Film
All (Supporting)






Itaú has been consistently focused on being a young, digital bank, close to the people. In the last 3 years it has been developing relevant solutions designed to contribute on the financial needs of Argentines, considering the pain points of the complex economic context: when the inflation grew up worryingly it created the first bank account that reimbursed inflation, and in the middle of the pandemic it created a system so that all banks can send pensions by delivery to their customers.

In recent years, banking has been transformed: the use of digital wallets has grown significantly, reducing the use of cash, and the number of Fintechs has tripled in just 3 years.

The digitalization of finance is changing day by day the way we used to operate. Traditional banks (such as HSBC, BBVA, Galicia, etc.) began to step into this world with complex, bureaucratic, and very heavy applications. Meanwhile, fintechs (such as Ualá, Brubank and Mercado Pago), with friendlier platforms and better experience design, were surrounded by great skepticism. In this scenario, at Itaú we saw the opportunity to consolidate our positioning as the most digital bank among the traditional ones.

In this context, we had to find a way to stand out in the category with a digital and innovative product, but above all, useful to simplify people's lives.

We understood that if we wanted to offer a new digital alternative that really solves people's problems, we could not do the same as other banks. We didn't want to be that complicated, bureaucratic app that people end up deleting.

WhatsApp is a fundamental part of our life, with almost all population using it. All our plans start always in this app.

So, if everyone knows and uses WhatsApp: why not to carry the bank there?

Challenging the limits and conventions of the banking system, we created a completely innovative product in the category: Chat Account, a bank account that works completely through WhatsApp, the app that all Argentines already have on their cell phones. This means that it is not necessary to have extra mobile data or additional space on the cell phone as all home banking apps require.

We created a full campaign under the concept "You are just a chat away from everything" using the typical language, codes, and insights of WhatsApp in order to convey the innovation of the service and break the barriers of fear of use.

Following the objective of acquiring new users, we developed a performance strategy with different digital touchpoints to attract the four audiences that responded to the characteristics of the product.

The campaign generated a comprehensive ecosystem where we worked on content for different formats: TVC, radio, social networks, display, programmatic, SEO and SEM, Spotify, OOH, and key social media influencers for each audience that were in charge of telling the benefits of the product through their own content (sketch, TikTok, live content, etc.).

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