Cannes Lions

A day of peace

OGILVY, Milan / EMERGENCY / 2023

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Case Film
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February 24th, 2023, was the anniversary of the outburst of the war in Ukraine, that had many Europeans ask for peace, just like many times before. But after one year the situation escalated, resulting in the menace of a nuclear attack, which brought the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds to the end, which is the closest it’s ever been since WWII. Emergency is an NGO that provides free medical healthcare to victims of war, and wanted to remind everyone that the only solution to get the peace we have in mind is abolishing war, or we might have to face serious consequences.


The film is a story that depicts a different meaning of the word peace. In this film, a man wakes up in the morning, crosses fields and cities looking for other people, roams malls for food, and finds new places to make a camp and spend the night. Likely to be the last man on Earth after a nuclear disaster, he is living not the peace we want but the one we might have to face.


Opinions around the Ukraine war are extremely polarized, especially in Italy. With this film, Emergency wanted to target an audience that is facing the dilemma, highlighting the importance of every individual’s choice and action. Emergency’s community was crucial to kickstart the campaign: Emergency’s volunteers all over the world felt engaged by the film and spontaneously shared the video on social media, helping to reach a wider audience.


The >4 minutes film aired on February 24th on Emergency’s website, YouTube channel and social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), covering both the Italian and global markets. Emergency’s volunteers all over the world were the firsts to side with the film message and share the video on their social media, helping it reach more and more people.


Entering the conversation around war, “A day of peace” contributed with a new point of view on the necessity of abolishing war, with 7.5M views in the first 48 hours, 35M Reach and 1000 articles globally.

It also helped Emergency reach a wider audience and spread its anti-war values, thanks to +40k site views compared to previous campaigns.

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