Cannes Lions

ABC Sleeper

OGILVY, New York / NATIONWIDE / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






Despite wanting to do the best things for their babies, most new parents do not know the important sleep safety steps of Alone, Back, Crib. So it was critically important for the child safety program, Make Safe Happen, to teach parents these steps. We realized the best way to reach them was at the moment they were putting their baby to sleep. By creating The ABC Sleeper we were able to transform the plain baby pajama into a device to communicate an important safety tip.


We used a baby-safe glow-in-the-dark ink to highlight the words “Alone, Back, Crib” from the pajama’s alphabet design. The technique was applied to thousands of cotton pajamas, which were then wrapped in a sleeve. The sleeves were designed to match the Make Safe Happen brand esthetic and drive parents to for more sleep safety tips. The ABC Sleepers were distributed to Nationwide Insurance agents across the United States to be given as collateral for their customers.


The ABC Sleeper was a huge success with Nationwide associates and distribution partners, garnering much more excitement and interest than even initially anticipated. 1,400 pajamas were distributed in the first month alone, and the entire order sold out within the first two months. As a result, Nationwide ordered a second print run for continued distribution. With the pajamas in the hands of actual parents, Nationwide has found a way to continually deliver crucial safety information at the moment when it’s needed most, thereby reminding parents to always put their babies down to sleep the safest way possible. Ultimately, our ABC Sleeper helped reaffirm Make Safe Happen as a trusted authority in a sea of safety messaging.

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