Cannes Lions


PROXIMITY/BBDO, Issy Les Moulineaux / BBDO / 2003

Presentation Image






-To capitalize on the creativity of the agency. To astonish and allure the advertisers into short-listing the agency at their next pitch-This mailing emphasises the last award obtained by the agency. And highlights the fact that the agency also gained the award in 2000-The creative uses humour, based on a pun. It makes a parallel between the award being a ‘crown’ and the crown that the dentist may give-Mailings were sent to marketing directors and communication directors of the 700 largest French advertisers (prospective customers) at the beginning of March-Prospective customers were also contacted by telephone for one month from mid-March


Number of mailings sent: 700.Number of appointments generated: 20.Number of briefs obtained after the an appointment: six (three were won)Total cost producing/sending the mailing and telephone calls: €2,706.Gross margin on the three briefs won: €518,000.

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