Cannes Lions

An Order Worth Waiting For


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Case Film






• Situation

At McDonald's, quality has historically been the most challenging aspect to change in people's perception. The sector McDonald’s belongs to (Quick Service Restaurants) is considered one where the quality often leaves much to be desired.

• Brief

To improve the perceived quality of the McDonald’s brand by demonstrating the local origin of its ingredients and focusing on its brand purpose in Spain, which is to support the agricultural sector.

• Objectives

Improve the quality perception of McDonald's and continue its commitment to the Spanish agricultural sector.


This is the first campaign that lets consumers see the entire process of creating a menu at McDonald’s, from the origin of each ingredient to the moment it arrives at the table.

To invite people to place their orders at, we launched a TV commercial where we surprised a group of customers by telling them that their order would take six months.

When placing the order, we initiated a conversation with consumers over 6 months, during which the suppliers of the ingredients for their menu told them firsthand about the process of each ingredient.

When the order was ready, we gathered the suppliers with the customers at an event where all the work done by them was valued, and a final recognition was given to them.

Some orders were even delivered in a tractor through the city in a grand final event broadcast live on social media.


In Spain, we know how to eat very well, and we also have excellent ingredients to achieve it. That's why the sector to which McDonald’s belongs (Quick Service Restaurants) is considered one where the quality often leaves much to be desired.

We discovered a powerful insight associated with the ripening time of our ingredients. When people knew how long it took for an ingredient to ripen, they valued it more.

This insight gave us the opportunity to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the fast-service category. We understood that "fast" applied to food has a connotation of lower quality, especially when our culture encourages us to move towards a slower pace.

Thus, "An Order Worth Waiting For" was born, a campaign where we aimed to show all Spaniards the time and effort it takes to produce the ingredients for our hamburgers, and show our commitment to the Spanish countryside.


At www.elpedidomá, people could choose their favorite McDonald's menu, and from the moment they ordered, they started receiving audiovisual content about the status of their ingredients.

The real suppliers of the brand showed, in a engaging way, the production processes. From planting, preparation, to animal care, over 6 months, until they finally reached their tables.

We even created a delivery event where the suppliers who had worked on them met the consumers who had placed the orders.

Some of the orders were even delivered to homes by tractor through the city, with the delivery streamed live. The rest of the orders could be redeemed through the app at the restaurants.


16.000 orders

1.2M Impacts

5M € Earn Media

8.2M € Sales contribution

+21,27% improvement on quality perception

+35% improvement on compromise perception

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