Cannes Lions

AR First Aid Kit

TENCENT, Shenzhen / QQ / 2017

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Case Film
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The creative idea of QQ-AR First Aid Kit originates from the first aid instruction manual. In real life, many people can't take the initiative to read and get the key contents of the first aid kit instructions. In the face of emergency, due to their lack of knowledge or erroneous understanding, they miss the best time for first aid,thus leading to the loss of life. We use the QQ-AR technology and multi-media technology to educate everyone correct first aid operation methods more intuitively, so that people can save themselves or save others quickly at the critical time. Everyone can be a first aider.


• Implementation: At present, there are nine common emergency operation methods, it will cover more and more illnesses later.

• Timeline: August 2016 to April 2017

• Placement: Mobile QQ

• Scale: 868 million mobile QQ users


By using technology to reduce learning threshold, QQ set up a more effective way to convey first aid knowledge to ordinary people.QQ has 868 million mobile users, so that a vast number of Chinese netizens deeply affected. As one of the largest and most popular social platform, QQ is making great contributions to the first aid industry in China.

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