Spikes Asia

QQ Alert: Everyone is rescuer



1 Bronze Spikes Asia
2 Shortlisted Spikes Asia
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Case Film
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1. Situation

Each year, tens of thousands of children go missing in China. Some are sold into adoption or forced to become street beggars, while others are sold for forced labor or prostitution. Most parents stand very little chance of seeing them again.

2. Brief

Many desperate parents lack an effective way of finding their missing children. They pass out flyers and travel across China to search for their children, and an entire ecosystem on the Internet has sprung up for parents to search for missing children. But in a country of 1.4 billion people, it's like fishing a needle out of the sea.

3. Objective

We want to find out a more effective and innovative way to help these parents, so everyone can be a missing children rescuer in Golden 72 Hours.


1. Implementation

Once a child goes missing and parents file the case with the police, QQ operation team receives the child’s information directly from the police.

Tencent leverages the latest Location-Based Services technology to automatically identify tens of millions of QQ users located in the same city where the child went missing.

QQ users located within the radius of 120 kilometers will receive a high-level push message on their smartphones within three hours, asking for their help.

2. Timeline

QQ Alert sends out push messenger 30 minutes after receives the child’s information from police, and asks for QQ users’ help within the Golden 72 Hours after a child goes missing.

3. Placement

In the same city or within 120 kilometers where the child goes missing.

4. Scale

Tens of millions of QQ users will receive QQ Alert's push message each time when a child goes missing.

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