Cannes Lions

QQ Alert for lost pet

TENCENT, Shenzhen / QQ / 2017

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By exploring pet facial recognition technology, as well as Machine Learning and Deep Learning, QQ has built a facial model for each lost pet. The strong facial recognition ability can solve the "pet face blindness" problem of human eyes, and greatly improve the recognition accuracy of the target pets.

While the pet owner confirms that his/her pet was lost, QQ will push a notification of the lost pet to the volunteers immediately. If the volunteers find the suspected pet, they can take a photo of it and upload, meanwhile, report the location of the pet. Thus, the suspected pet is matched accurately with the missing pet.


During 2016-2017, in China, QQ has launched the "QQ Alert for Lost Pet" project. Millions of QQ users have joined the volunteer team. Through pet facial recognition technology and the capability of LBS positioning, QQ makes everyone identify the lost pet right away. In the future, QQ will continue to promote public welfare projects and care for the vulnerable groups of the society.


The "QQ Alert for Lost Pet" project of QQ now has millions of volunteers, and has helped tens of stray pets get together with their masters. It has become a influential national public welfare project in China, so that the commonweal on the fingertips become part of Chinese netizens' life. The project also effectively promoted brand image and brand reputation of QQ.

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