Cannes Lions


DENTSU INC., Tokyo / MCDONALD'S / 2024

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McDonald's has historically been a popular hangout spot for young artists, who use our spaces for meetings, celebrations, and artistic gatherings. Recognizing this, we aimed to leverage our brand to support and amplify the creative pursuits of these young artists beyond the conventional customer relationship.

Our objective was not just about providing space but about enriching these interactions to create memorable, Feel Good experiences that resonate with this community.


The concept was simple yet profoundly impactful: integrate McDonald’s fries into promotional photos of young artists. These images were not just mere advertisements but powerful symbols of McDonald’s endorsement and support for the young artists. By featuring artists alongside our product, we connected McDonald’s with the vibrant youth and music culture, resonating deeply with both existing and new audiences.

We then disseminated these images widely across various media, from online platforms to large-scale outdoor advertisements, amplifying the artists' visibility and McDonald’s role as a supporter of young talent.

The use of these authentic visuals transformed the perceived value of our brand image. This idea not only drew the attention of the artists' fans but also engaged a broader audience, creating a ripple effect of positive brand association and heightened cultural relevance. This campaign effectively melded product promotion with cultural support, fostering a community-centric brand image that celebrated young artists.


Our strategy focused on two primary objectives: First, to assist emerging artists in gaining visibility through the influential platform of McDonald’s. Second, to enhance McDonald's presence across Japan by redefining it as a nurturing ground for young artists. This repositioning created new touchpoints that showcased McDonald’s commitment to fostering creativity and engagement.

We integrated artistic activities directly linked to the natural social gatherings at McDonald’s locations, making the campaign authentic and relevant to Gen-Z—a demographic that prizes creativity and interactive experiences. This approach not only maintained McDonald's relevance among younger consumers but also transformed it into a hub of artistic expression, promoting a reciprocal relationship where artists gained exposure and McDonald's enhanced its cultural relevance and consumer interaction.

By crafting experiences that were fun, interactive, and collaborative, our campaign aligned perfectly with the evolving expectations of a digitally-native generation, thereby solidifying McDonald’s as an innovative leader in engaging today's youth.


Our project, involving 200 artists across Japan, showcased their work in conjunction with McDonald's fries through various media, including street ads, web platforms, and social networks, elevating artist visibility and emphasizing McDonald’s support for young creatives.

These artists used the promotional photos as their social media profile pictures, enhancing personal connection and fan engagement. Additionally, a pop-up event in Shibuya from January 22 to 28 highlighted the artists' music, further immersing visitors in the campaign and deepening their engagement with the brand. Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising throughout major cities in late January to early February ensured extensive visibility.

This integrated approach not only brought the campaign to life in culturally significant ways but also reinforced McDonald's commitment to fostering young talent, securing its position as a culturally engaged brand.


The project achieved remarkable success across various metrics, enhancing brand engagement and reach significantly. It garnered 11 million views and over 100 million social media impressions, with PR exposure valued at 150 million. This visibility broadened and deepened audience engagement, evidenced by vibrant online conversations and numerous user-generated contents posted on social media.

Following its launch, McDonald's saw McFries sales among Gen-Z increase by 121% in one week. The music video resonated widely, earning acclaim on social platforms and praise for supporting young artists.

Additionally, it prompted a behavioral shift among viewers, many expressing gratitude on social media for discovering new music through this project. This shift in consumer behavior and perception highlighted the campaign's success in meeting its objectives, transforming it into a cultural phenomenon that entertained and engaged with Gen-Z profoundly.

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