Cannes Lions

aura meditation

McCANN , Tokyo / PANASONIC / 2021

Presentation Image
Case Film






In today's world in which diversity is a huge topic, people are faced with the question: What makes me who I am? However, many struggle to find the answer, as environment, education, and experience have created internalized bias that prevents them from truly seeing themselves. Aura Meditation was designed with the purpose of helping people see themselves by first making the characteristics that make up who they are visible.


Together with FUTURE LIFE FACTORY, a design studio within Panasonic that explores and realizes the vision of what an enriched life might look like in the future, we developed an experiential design that measures each person’s individual characteristics, converts them into data, and makes it visible in the form of “aura.”


Using Panasonic's proprietary emotion-sensing technology, we analyzed facial cues, emotions, and physiognomy, and created various combinations with these elements that generated a total of 288 types of auras. The color, texture, and shape of the aura respectively represented emotion, condition, and intuition. The design was presented at CES2021 and is now permanently featured in Panasonic’s showroom.


Among the technologies Panasonic showcased at CES2021, Aura Meditation was one of the most attention-drawing exhibits, attracting many inquiries. The project has led to offers of collaboration with other companies, which are currently being reviewed and considered. We believe that this program can be effective for a variety of practical uses, such as helping to select the right members for teams or to read a person’s emotional response during virtual meetings or encounters.

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