Cannes Lions


BE-IT AGENCY, Kyiv / AVON / 2022

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Case Film






In 2020, before launching the global platform #WATCHMENOW in Ukraine, we proposed AVON conduct an all-Ukrainian survey to understand better the Ukrainian woman, her dreams, needs, and desires.

We made a few unpleasant discoveries. Eight in ten Ukrainian women have faced gender stereotypes. 61% of women said they did not fulfil their potential.

Thus, we decided to become a voice that urges society to fight stereotypes and supports Ukrainian women in their quest to choose their ways to happiness. We proposed a creative way to realize it.

Our objectives were:

• to start a public dialogue on gender stereotypes and inspire women to rely on themselves in planning and building their lives. The campaign was designed to reach at least 20 million people.

• to increase the Consideration rate to 22% in 2021 by associating AVON with protecting the interests of Ukrainian women and support in self-fulfilment.


As Avon strived to support women in their right to choose their ways to happiness, we decided to become a voice that urges society to fight stereotypes.

To help people get rid of negative emotions and fears, psychologists sometimes advise turning them into physical objects and then literally destroying them.

We decided to do the same with gender stereotypes and, on the contrary – to celebrate and perpetuate female self-fulfilment.

The solution came as a modern sculpture manifesto created by a famous Ukrainian female artist. However, it was first covered from the eyes by the stereotypes ‘walls’ – panels with insulting beliefs and prejudices towards women written on them.

While the art piece was created, we rolled out a communication campaign to prepare Ukrainians to smash stereotypes physically and metaphorically.


Ukrainian women believe that they have to be professionals to fulfil their potential but feel the least successful in this area. Society believes that they must first become wives and mothers, while career and professional growth are optional.

Key message: Avon smashes stereotypes and empowers women to be whoever they want.

TA: women aged 18–65, with an average income.

We planned to start a conversation about gender stereotypes, keep discussions going while highlighting new aspects of the problem, and reach the culmination in mid-2021 with an art project uniting women and inspiring them to follow their dreams.

In addition to the active involvement of media, we asked female influencers (from celebrities to business owners) who succeeded against all odds to share with us stereotypes they had to overcome. Consequently, 34 famous Ukrainian women became our supporters, and 50+ stereotypes they overcame – one of the campaign's essential elements.


At the end of 2020, we launched an ambitious campaign #AvonAgainstStereotypes.

For half a year, we talked about gender stereotypes on different channels uncovering the findings of the all-Ukrainian women's survey and challenging the outdated societal beliefs through the various tools. Then the campaign culminated in NOVA — a sculpture by a renowned Ukrainian female artist ANi Svami (Anna Naduda).

Before the opening, the sculpture was obstructed by 'the barriers of gender stereotypes' — panels with stereotypes gathered from well-known Ukrainians.

We gave a performance at the opening — our guests took hammers and smashed the stereotypes, destroying their barriers literally and metaphorically.

Released NOVA sculpture symbolized a woman — free, confident, and brave. The piece emerged on hammered down stereotypes as a result of woman's quest for self-fulfilment.

NOVA remains in the heart of Kyiv as an enduring symbol to all Ukrainian women of what is possible.


23+ mln total media reach

10+ mln earned media with positive sentiment, positioning Avon as a partner in protecting women’s interests.

From February till August 2021, Avon was among the top three cosmetic brands in Ukraine by the number of highlights and the leader by the potential reach. The brand also held leadership by the publications with the primary role. Moreover, Avon's Media Visibility and Media Quality for the period was higher than the market benchmark; in some months almost twice higher.

Avon's Media Favourability Index was 38 and also above the benchmark for the whole period.

160+ publications in glossy, general, political, and business media, including TV stories on national channels.

200+ earned stories and posts on influencers’ and bloggers’ social media accounts, reaching 7 500 000.

Avon supporting Ukrainian women in their self-fulfilment received massive approval from women on social media. Users declared their intention to buy from the company due to similar views and values. It resulted in the AVON's Consideration rate increase from 17% to 22% in 9 months of the campaign.

The brand also gained the support of new bloggers and influencers whose daily actions break the stereotypes and inspire other women to fulfil themselves.

Avon became more visible to relevant organizations, which allowed building new partnerships with UNFPA and UN Women to carry out projects. One of such endeavors was Avon's participation in MediaForShe Congress, organized by UN Women Ukraine on the topic of gender equality and non-discrimination in media and advertising.

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2021, AVON

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