Cannes Lions

Banker Desktop

ISOBAR, Melbourne / ANZ BANK / 2016

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Demo Film
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Banker Desktop is a unified shared screen experience between the customer and the banker, which enables meaningful conversations with complete transparency. By removing the barriers between the banker and customer and making the interface intuitive, we were able to put them side-by-side working through the customer’s sensitive financial needs together.

Customers can now document their financial goals, hear recommendations and set up ANZ’s products and services in one discussion – a task that was previously completed by the banker on technology the customer could not see or use. The time required for an ANZ customer to set up a Personal Loan has radically reduced by 83%; requiring only eight new pieces of information to be filled out compared to 400 in the old system.

The vision is to extend Banker Desktop across all products, services and Retail channels, and introduce a consistent, connected and meaningful experience of ANZ for customers.


In line with ANZ’s vision for their ‘Digital Branch of the Future’, we centralised all data entered to obtain a single view - the Customer Hub - generating insights for bankers to offer the right services based on each customers’ unique situation.

We utilised a customer-centred approach through an extensive design process over the span of two years.

Contextual inquiries, Personas, Experience Principles

We identified challenges between bankers and customers including: difficulty in learning current systems, speed of application process, re-entering of data multiple times and incorrect information.

To document and extend our understanding we created a set of personas and Experience Design Principles.

Nonlinear Model

Rather than a linear system that forces bankers down a certain path, we crafted a model enabling the often fragmented nature of conversations.

Design framework & system interface

We grounded the design in a conceptual framework, enabling us to focus on and differentiate interactions, emotions and behavior.

Emotive utility

Conversations in branch are prompted by important life events. Banker Desktop is designed with this in mind, complementing the sensitive nature of discussions and executed through inspiring content that inspires progress.


Micro-interactions shape the detail of the design. They are self-contained product moments that perform a single task. With various levels of urgency, we use alerts and notifications to surface important tasks and messages.

Pattern library

A systematic design approach of common and reusable elements which enable the platform to evolve over time. It enables broad updates across the interface, such as modifying a single button on every screen across the branch network, contact centres and digital channels such as

Shared screen design

Designing a shared screen requires a distinctive interface. Images need to be bolder and type larger, drawing the customer into the screen.


Time reduction:

- We've reduced the previous 60 minutes spent on an application to less than 10 minutes

- Current ANZ customers only need to provide 8 pieces of information compared to 400 in the old system

- Customers and bankers save 1660 hours daily in Australia alone


Branch Transformation:

- No paper forms and just one signature from the customer to complete the personal loan application


Cultural Transformation:

- Fast and simple understanding for customers to choose the right product that meets their needs by determining what products and services are suitable and what they can afford.

- Applications can now be completed in real time on a screen shared between the customer and banker.

- Making customers feel like they are dealing with a banker who knows them (capture, use and re-use of data)

- Needs based selling with a shared customer/banker experience

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