Cannes Lions
DDB, Chicago / TWIX / 2023
Twix historically has executed the Left/Right campaign over the last 10 years that has consistently fueled the comical debate between which is better, Left or Right Twix. As we looked at the campaign and the cultural context for the world we live in right now, the last thing the world needs is more senseless debate and frankly, when you have something as chewy, crunchy and delicious as Twix, there’s really no way to make a wrong decision.
Finding the right person who you liked when you saw them, but also someone who you wouldn’t mind being eaten by a bear was the brief. The talent we found fit that perfectly.They are interesting enough to grab your attention, but also annoying enough to not feel bad for when you imagine the bears eating them. Voice casting was also key. The voice of the bears needed to be something completely different to what you would expect. Someone who could get the thoughtful delivery, but not sound like a cartoon.
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