Cannes Lions


BISCUIT FILMWORKS, Los Angeles / TWIX / 2023







After a decade of the “Left Twix / Right Twix” brand communication, limitations existed in its ability to translate beyond advertising storytelling and to generate meaning/association for Twix, beyond product attributes alone.

We’ve created a new brand campaign “When Life Underdelivers, There’s More to a Twix” that will make Twix famous in culture, guides how the brand should behave in the real world and taps into larger motivations and meaning. In a world where things don’t always live up to our expectations, Twix exceeds them by overdelivering on delight. A Twix bar is not just one note… it’s a contrast of tastes and textures. It’s not just one bar… it’s an entire second helping. It’s not just one treat… it’s a cookie/biscuit inside a chocolate bar.

The objective is to grow Twix by recruiting and driving relevance among Gen Z communities and amplifying brand relevance and passion.


We set out to create a moment every young teen boy could relate to – trying to seem cool, and your body just won’t play along. It was vital to find someone who could do this in a way that you empathized with them rather than just laugh at them. He also needed to be able to interact with his talking eyebrows in a way that seemed natural. We also needed to cast voices for the eyebrows. The talking eyebrows represent the voice of reason on facial hair, so they needed to be authoritative and sympathetic at the same time.

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2023, TWIX

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