

RENAULT UK, Rickmansworth / RENAULT / 2018

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Targeted at UK parents with children under the age of 18, #BehindCarDoors was inspired by the insight that car journeys are redefining the concept of family time. Our hectic lives mean the traditional sit-down evening meal conversations are being eroded so that daily trips and weekend getaways are often the only moments remaining to share stories as a family and have our children’s full attention. In effect, the car has eclipsed the dining table as the most important place for family conversations.

We decided to take a long-term commitment to an influencer campaign, rather than a transactional one-off approach, to really build credibility and trust with parents. In addition, to generate earned media coverage in national print and broadcast media, we gathered wider, real-life stories by surveying 2,000 parents who drive and have children under 18, to build on the original campaign insight and provide national and regional angles.


Anna and Simon each made 12 videos across the space of a year capturing every aspect of their daily lives. For Anna, this included the test run to the hospital before she gave birth, her daughter’s first days at school, a supermarket trip and cloud watching through the skylight. Simon included journeys to and from the airport, the joys of cleaning out a family car and even a trip to the car wash. Essentially, the entire campaign focused on how the car fitted into and enhanced the families’ lives so the content was a true reflection of how they used the car, rather than manufactured situations.

The survey provided fascinating feedback including the fact that 59% of parents instigate awkward topics in the car to avoid engaging in eye-contact. Using these additional insights, and working with respected psychologist Dr. Linda Papadopoulos to analyse the results, we drove widespread media coverage.


The campaign achieved incredible reach and engagement on social and in traditional media, and delivered against the objective to reposition the Scenic as a family car.

“#BehindCarDoors is Renault UK’s first influencer-led marketing campaign and the content has really struck a chord with our target audience. It was a leap of faith for the brand and we didn’t really know what to expect – but we couldn’t be more pleased with the results we have seen so far. It’s brought to life the car’s role at the heart of family life and we’ve seen a big spike in conversation and coverage around the Renault Scenic brand.” Colette Casey, Brand Manager, Renault UK


• 1.9 million engagements for #BehindCarDoors content posted by the influencers to-date

• Anna’s content has encouraged higher engagement than any of her other video content, with viewers returning to watch a series they’ve come to know and love

• The campaign reached over 230m people via PR with in depth articles featured in the likes of the Mirror, Sun and Telegraph

Purchase Decision

• 78% of people who follow the influencers would consider purchasing the car and 80% said the campaign made the Renault Scenic seem different to other cars

• Recently, both influencers posted videos summarising their year #BehindCarDoors. Among the comments mentioning a love of the series, several families said they had test-driven the Scenic as a result of the campaign


• 318% exceeded KPIs for Mother Pukka’s first piece of content

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