

DARE.WIN, Paris / NETFLIX / 2019

Presentation Image
Case Film






T H E S H O W 

Black Mirror is a disturbing & fascinating experience which plays on the tiny border between dystopia and reality.

Black Mirror is a Netflix Original Series where human consciousness and technology drifts collide in a near future.


Let's create a brand campaign with a marketing hook that looks like a Black Mirror Episode

A paid media activation talking to the fans but also to curious non fans

Disturbing & Questionning, Simple, straightforward and Locally Relevant


Create a campaign at the image of the show: disturbing, innovative, that will drive conversation...and maybe a bit scary.

A great copywriting work. People have to stop what they’re doing and watch our campaign


Our idea was based on showing that the future of Black Mirror is already here, by using the disturbing news (national or international) that echo Black Mirror episodes.

So we created a national & local poster campaign (billboard on street, subway, bus station ...) reusing french press headlines that talked about technologies or society phenomenon that echoed episodes of Black Mirror.


Insight :

The future depicted in Black Mirror is scary - but isn’t it already there ? - Play with the fact that our present is closer to a scary futur than ever

Target :

First and foremost to be talking to fans, enhancing their fandom and developing their willingness to share, to hopefully create an interest for non-viewers.

Approach :

We choosed to focus our campaign on something simple, straightforward, direct and easy to sum up and to explain.

Call to action :

People were directly affected in their daily lives, locally at their day's itinerary (Bus station, Station, Subway, Street).


That was a paid media activation, using DOOH and cover of french newspaper (20minutes)

The activation begin the 3rd of June 2019 until the 12th of June 2019.

We created a national & local poster campaign (billboard on street, subway, bus station ...) reusing french press headlines that talked about technologies or society phenomenon that echoed episodes of Black Mirror.

That was a national activation


All over social media people pointed out the pre-launch campaign and how, just like the show, it's a bit disturbing. More than 1000 thousand reactions on social media were spotted.

The campaign was well received arguing the fact that the campaign is really coherent with the show’s DNA. We also managed to attract non fans who discovered the series thanks to our campaign

All the objectives have been achieved, arousing the curiosity of non fans and creating excitement around the series for regulars

We don't have access to different data of our client : business, consumer behaviour on the platform.

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