


Case Film
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BMW launched its fully electric offense and at the forefront stand the new models such as BMW iX or BMW i4. However, this change is bigger than any car – it’s an organizational shift within the BMW group in direction sustainability. This needed something bigger than a usual digital campaign. We seized the opportunity proactively and pitched our idea.

Avoiding a backlash on social media for greenwashing proves to be a great challenge not only for brands but also agencies, including us.

We used clean energy at night, scaffolding instead of cranes, a locally produced CO2 neutral color, we only used brushes and no spray cans. Plus, we collaborated with a local artist who lives in Vienna and who did not have to fly in from overseas.

Objectives: Reach as many Austrians as possible at a good CPM, raise top of mind awareness, generate test drives.


We created an artwork for a car launch – without a car. This gave our artist more freedom to get creative and bring the big message #BORNELECTRIC across.

We showed how any future BMW campaign can and should be executed: Environmentally conscious. This sets a new benchmark within the entire BMW Group.

The futuristic vapourware artwork was brought to life with an Augmented Reality filter. No QR code needed.

After that, we created a film about the time that is running out and the need for change. Starring three national influencers from three social media platforms.


The strategy was to combine offline media (mural, OOH, DOOH) with online media (Instagram AR filter, influencers, video, website, display) to reach as many people as possible with the launch of the BMW iX.

Integrating all media and being able to run a multi-stage campaign over 8 months (November to June) made the huge impact possible.


In November, the mural was launched. Produced with sustainable paint that was locally produced and can reduce CO2 in the immediate surrounding as well as reduce temperate, painted by hand instead of spray cans, using scaffolding instead of Diesel cranes, using electric cars for video production, and running all lighting and all the creative agency office on clean energy. The mural was booked for 3 months, but had another 5 months of free exposure because of cancelled bookings due to the pandemic.

In April we launched the second phase, a hero film, video series and influencer campaign to highlight the launch at dealers, aligned with the national "night of electric mobility". This campaign was shot in Vienna and on the outskirts. Again, electric vehicles were used. All films were placed in online video, display, and DOOH.


25,2 million digital impressions, 16 million offline impressions, at an overall CPM of 2€.

Top of Mind Awareness was 4x over the Meta benchmark, Message Association 2x, and Ad Recall 1,6x over benchmark.

We generated 5x more leads for electric vehicles than before the campaign, compared to the always-on campaign.

A record 91% lead quality rate, which describes the ratio of leads that are accepted by BMW dealers and move further in the sales process.

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12 items

Sometimes electric. Always BMW.


Sometimes electric. Always BMW.

2020, BMW

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