Cannes Lions

Borderless Weddings








Problem: In six Mexican states, same-sex marriage remained illegal in 2022, denying LGBTQ couples equal rights. These outdated laws perpetuated discrimination and kept countless couples from fully expressing their love and commitment. Because they were not able to legally marry, these couples faced challenges such as being unable to take joint loans, buy real estate together, adopt children, or access the rights and benefits granted to married couples.

Idea: Aeroméxico's "Borderless Weddings" campaign set out to empower same-sex couples by helping them overcome legal barriers and celebrate their love on their terms. We created a dedicated webpage where couples could register for the opportunity to be flown to locations where same-sex marriage was legal.

In a bold gesture, Aeroméxico held the first-ever in-flight wedding for a lucky couple. This extraordinary moment, surrounded by supportive friends and family, touched the hearts of millions and served as a symbol of love transcending boundaries.

To share this powerful story and encourage change, we produced an emotional documentary that followed the journey of the first couple. The film showcased their love, resilience, and determination to challenge discriminatory laws. It not only generated empathy but also inspired others to join the fight for equality.

The "Borderless Weddings" campaign captured the essence of love's triumph over adversity, allowing Aeroméxico to make a meaningful difference for LGBTQ couples and create a memorable and inspiring experience.

The campaign’s impact eventually contributed to legalizing same-sex marriage in all six states by the end of the year, this allowed many registered couples to ultimately marry in their home states, further showcasing the campaign's success.

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