Cannes Lions


YDREAMS, Sao Paulo / BRADESCO / 2013

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Case Film






Create a contemporary space where Bradesco could present their vision of the future, demonstrate why it is the most innovative Brazilian bank, and communicate how it is prepared, in a world of constant transformation, to fill new demands. This space should transform the way people interact with the world around them, which is becoming ever more technological. This project brings together innovative technology, futuristic user experience and outstanding interior design, without losing sight of what is most import: the client experience.


Create a promotional space where Bradesco can present their vision of the future, that it is the most innovative Brazilian bank, and communicate to clients, partners and journalists how it is prepared, in a world of constant transformation, to fill new demands. This space should transform the way people interact with the world around them, ever more technological.

The space must have no doors and people only need to approach to get in. The space features real-time content and responds to the movements of whoever comes near, welcoming them. Promotional events, products, services and technological launches occur inside.


Since its opening Bradesco Next has been a huge hit with the media and public. The press’s perception was amazing, leading to an extremely positive impact on both the Brazilian and the international press.

Next came the main stage to promote the bank’s innovation and test the usability of new formats and interfaces. But also suited the favourite place to partners launch their firsthand products, such as Google TV.

The reaction from people who visited the space is astonishing, the result is that Next is the most visited place in JK Shopping, receiving more than 10,000 visitors / month.

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