Cannes Lions



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Quilmes has been the leader of the Argentine beer market for over 120 years.The recent erruption of premium and import beer brands has changed some of the rules of the market, imposing new quality standards.

As those brands belong to the same economic group that owns Quilmes, we came up with the idea of a TV spot where all these brands could get together in Buenos Aires to pay tribute to Quilmes on its 120th anniversary.

Without a doubt, putting Quilmes at the height of these brands (who are already perceived as premium), would help keep our brand enticing.

The challenge: Making all the brands agree. The goal: Keeping the brand Quilmes the top preference for Argentines.The strategy: Activating a PR campaign within the AvInbeb Group to obtain the highest possible consensus.

The result: After successful management, we achieved one global CEO, 15 general managers and all their teams, to agree to be part of the spot.


First step: Conceiving an idea that would be exciting for Quilmes and the rest of the people responsible for the other brands of the world.

With a "win-win" model: For Quilmes - value transference for closeness and confirmation of prestige. For the other brands - increasing their awareness in a developing market.

That’s how "Tribute" was born, a spot where the most relevant beers of the world get together in Buenos Aires to pay tribute to Quilmes.Second: The search of consensus through personal contacts and internal communication networks.

Third: To facilitate the process, an animatic was produced for qualitative and quantitative tests (focus / Ipsos), obtaining results that broke the historical records of the brand. Fourth: After almost 8 months of management since the idea was conceived (April 2010), the spot, produced by Landia, and shot in 8 countries in the Americas and Europe was finally aired.


19 beer brands were present, representing 14 countries. The main beer brands of the world took part in the tribute: Becks, Chernigivske, Belle Vue, Bohemia, Michelob, Bagbier, Jupiler, Harbin, Alexander keith's, Borsodi, Stella Artois, Leffe, Bergenbier, Skol, Sibirscaya, Paceña, Pilcen, Antartica and Bass.

Besides being successful in terms of consensus and participation, "Tribute" achieved outstanding communication results shown below:- The TV spot achieved the highest InBev Action Standard level.

- Tribute had a huge impact on brand relevance- In terms of persuasion, Tribute achieved a superior yield than the historical spots of the brand. - Very good results in terms of purchase intent and consumption frequency.- Very good Brand Equity results.

- In terms of brand relevance, the spot surpassed the movement forecasted for a brand of this stature.

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