Cannes Lions

Brexit: Inspiration or Conspiration?

DDB GROUP ITALY, Milan / IKEA / 2018

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Riding the wave of the infamous conspiracy theories, we analyzed the pages -ALL the pages- of many different, past IKEA catalogues and we dug up clues and premonitions of great world changes that would have taken place many months later. The result? 8 surrealistic, super-social videos that were shared and made people laugh and embrace IKEA's philosophy of change at the same time.


To launch the 2018 IKEA catalogue, we created a campaign that exposes the extraordinary prophetic power of the IKEA catalogues, unveiling to the world through 8 ironically shocking videos how it predicted so much more than just styles and trends: from the UK leaving the EU to the existence of UFOs.


The campaign, published on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, gathered a lot of steam, collecting 12 million views, 70 million impressions and more than 7 million interactions, reaching the pages of both online and offline newspapers.

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