Cannes Lions


MINDSHARE, Amsterdam / UNILEVER / 2010

Presentation Image






Calvé peanut butter became official sponsor of the street soccer tournaments of the KNVB and supported this with a 3-phase campaign.During the first phase extra local tournaments were organised next to Albert Heijn supermarkets which resulted in combined regional finals and a big final in Amsterdam.In the second phase a shop-floor promotion was done with Albert Heijn and in the last phase an online competition. With the last two phases street soccer items were distributed to stimulate kids to play more street soccer at home as well.For the mums we’ve generated awareness for the sponsorship with a lot of PR, advertorials in magazines, DM, Albert Heijn local media, the KNVB media partnerships and with an extra TV tag on for the shop-floor promotion.Kids where reached with a 360° Nickelodeon partnership by using TV, online, magazine, their newsletter and participation in the highly rated soccer TV programme of the KNVB.


This campaign shows very healthy positive results for all partners!The whole partnership resulted in a positive sales index of 117 for the volume share of Calvé peanut butter. And around 600k of free publicity was generated with over 500 publications.Also the relationship with Albert Heijn improved because this activation was really different from regular ‘flat promotions’. And partner KNVB is very enthusiastic about the increasing popularity of street soccer.We’ve made more kids start playing street soccer by organizing 1,000 street soccer tournaments, with an increase of 29% of participating kids in the tournaments. And almost 400,000 Calvé street soccer items were distributed.

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