Cannes Lions


F.BIZ, Sao Paulo / PERNOD RICARD / 2015

Case Film
Supporting Content
Supporting Content






In today’s world, the consumer is no longer passive. He wants to be co-author, to

interact and share. Brazilians are no different. In Brazil, there are more than 107

million people on Facebook, more than 53% of the population. Because of this,

agencies are trying more and more to develop original content, seeking out powerful

ideas with creative solutions to get their brands closer to people.

Because it is an alcoholic beverage, Chivas’s campaigns must follow strict rules of

responsibility in Brazil. These laws apply to all types of media.

General Rule – The campaign must be structured in a socially responsible way,

without distancing itself to much from the ultimate goal of spreading the brand.

Calling for purchase and making excessive product offers are prohibited.

Principal of protection for children and adolescents – The messages must be

exclusively targeted at an adult audience.

Principal of drinking reponsibly – In no way can advertisements for alcoholic

beverages induce people to drink excessively or irresponsibly.


One of Brazil’s best known actors would attract people, can you imagine the first biography written, published completely on a Facebook timeline, with videos, interviews, 6 chapters, more than 40 posts and a story of success that has gone untold?  Until now, Marcos Palmeira has been known as a successful actor.  Chivas Timeline Biography presented Palmeira’s other story - the successful social

entrepreneur.  Or rather, in addition to the story of the actor who lives surrounded by paparazzi, people can also learn about the organic farmer who created a business model in which everyone wins. 


The campaign reached unheard of numbers for Chivas in Brazil. With more than

4 million people impacted, more than 2500 shares and more than 1500 comments. In

addition, 37% of viewers watched until the end of the videos, a percentage more than

130% above the average. And, through a new Facebook media tool, Retargeting, we

had 57% of the public watching the videos all the way through more than once.

These numbers do not just represent the campaign’s success, but also show that its

content is correct: no one succeeds by themselves.

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