Cannes Lions


BIOGEN, Paris / BIOGEN / 2019







Multiple Sclerosis affects 2.5 million people worldwide — patients all living every day with a disabling disease. Patients are looking for information and tools to help them in their daily life, but they struggle as there is no relevant offer.

Biogen decides to make a difference by creating Cleo, a free mobile app designed with the participation of hundreds of patients to tailor a solution based on their experiences.

Cleo is a unique app gathering 4 key features:

- An online chat with a nurse educator to find support and get answers

- Reliable tips and news to inspire patients and educate relatives

- A personal journal to keep track of their health and be prepared for the next consultation

- Wellness programs in video designed by healthcare professionals specifically for MS patients

The objective of our campaign is to raise awareness on the Cleo app among MS patients.


When you have Multiple Sclerosis, you live a life of greatness.

A life where daily routine is made of exhausting challenges.

A life where every day can be different from the day before.

A life with an invisible disease.

A life with a real need for support.

Co-designed with hundreds of patients, we created Cleo (“Aby” in Americas) a free tailored mobile app based on patients’ experiences.

Cleo is a unique app gathering 4 key features:

- An online chat with a nurse educator to find support and get answers about MS

- Reliable tips and news to inspire patients and educate relatives

- A personal journal to keep track of their health and be prepared for the next consultation

- Wellness programs through videos designed by healthcare professionals specifically for MS patients


To ultimately improve the lives of the community we serve, we listened to what patients had to say. We lead focus groups, interviews, and user tests, with more than 200 patients in the USA, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Spain and Canada.

Results helped us to gather insights to craft and build the main features of Cleo.

We all know that everything starts only when the platform is launched. From this perspective, and extolling continuous improvement & growth methods, we introduced a monthly touch base with patients, to discuss, test and co-create the future of Cleo.

Meeting patients, spend time and discuss with them is the foundation of what we do. This is crucial to never deviate from our core intent: improve the lives of people living with MS.


The app research and prototyping validation took four months, and the development of the initial version of Cleo took four months. In parallel, Biogen worked at Global and local level to get validated this innovative solution to ensure full adaptation of the content and services to local regulatory and legal requirements.

Today, Cleo has been successfully launched and advertised in 8 countries in less than 12 months, with the subsequent sequencing:

- 27/04/2018: Germany

- 29/05/2018: USA and France

- 28/10/2018: Italy

- 05/11/2018: Japan

- 20/03/2019: Canada

- 03/04/2019: UK and Spain

Every market has a “Cleo Champion” leading the local implementation, content, and communication, based on Global communication assets designed by Global Biogen Healthcare Solutions.

To raise Cleo’s awareness among patients and HCPs, we designed a tailor-made lead generation campaign able to be easily implemented locally.


Results are above expectations:

- More than 150,000 downloads in less than 12 months

- 50,000 patients registered to Cleo app (6 steps of registration to capture health data and start a tailored experience) – 33% conversion rate

- 4.5/5 average rating on Android and Apple stores (7 markets)

- Tones of stunning users’ comments

- 30% of monthly active users, coming 4.7 times per month on average.

- A PR coverage on major medical TV shows, newspapers, and websites equivalent to $1,000,000+

- Collaborating with patient influencers (bloggers, speakers, etc.) and patient advocacy groups in each country.

Cleo will continue to improve its service with upcoming new features such as new content, mindfulness program, new features specific to MS patients with disabilities (audio reader, fitness for seated people)...

Cleo will also be deployed in 5 new countries in 2019, making it available to more than 1,000,000 MS patients.

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2023, BIOGEN

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