Cannes Lions


KRAFT FOODS, Glenview / KRAFT / 2012







With the Share Your Latin Flavor program, Comida Kraft tapped into a key consumer insight - Latina moms living in the US embrace and pass on their heritage by sharing their food traditions with loved ones - to launch a truly integrated, digitally innovative program that featured culturally relevant content, designed to engage Latina moms, encourage interaction with the Comida Kraft platform and, ultimately, drive purchase of Kraft brands.

The program featured well-known Mexican Chef Alfredo Oropeza, who brought interest, authenticity and credibility to Kraft brands, which he featured in recipes that highlighted the flavours and techniques inspired by Latin cuisine. Social and mobile media components were woven through all program channels, effectively increasing consumer engagement and acquiring a significant number of subscribers to the Comida Kraft platform.

The program was a breakthrough success and strengthened the powerful relationship with our key US Latina target by demonstrating we understand, value and support her.


Comida Kraft partnered with Chef Oropeza to develop a collection of culturally relevant recipes and videos that were shared via a social media platform.The program was built to be shared socially across different channels that are important to US Latinas. A tab was added on the Comida Kraft Facebook page where Latinas connected with other mums, Comida Kraft and Chef Oropeza. Three live video chats allowed Latina mums to participate in a Q&A session with Chef Oropeza and Kraft Kitchens. Web and mobile activity were also linked to Facebook using Facebook Connect. Comida launched our first-ever Bloguera event where Latina Bloggers met, cooked with, and interacted with Chef Oropeza at Kraft Kitchens. They shared photos and videos from the event via their blogs and Twitter. Bloggers created their own cooking videos using Comida Kraft recipes and shared them on their sites and became celebrities themselves on the Comida Kraft YouTube channel.


The campaign was a smashing success exceeding goals across all touchpoints: •Web traffic increased each month, reaching a 100% increase in November•Comida Kraft’s Facebook fans more than doubled •Mobile traffic increased by almost 300%•Comida Kraft’s registrations significantly increased across all comida channels•Latina Bloggers generated more than 1m impressions through posts and produced 24 UGC videos featuring Comida Kraft recipes•Social interactions grew consistently with very positive consumer comments•Live video chats participation exceeded benchmark by 50% •TV campaign breakthrough at levels well above IPSOS norm•The campaign attracted immense interest from media outlets and generated positive press coverage for Kraft: -Mashable featured the program as one of the 5 most innovative social media campaigns - Crain’s featured Comida Kraft and the campaign in an article naming Kraft Foods the #1 Chicago company that is doing social media right.

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