Cannes Lions


STELLANTIS, Buenos Aires / JEEP / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content







The project was inspired by Jeep's new global positioning, emphasizing its unparalleled ability to reach remote locations. This aligns with Jeep's adventurous brand identity, allowing consumers the freedom to explore challenging terrain.


The brief aimed to celebrate 4x4 Day while differentiating Jeep in the saturated Argentine market. Highlighting Jeep's authenticity and superior capability in off-road terrain and showcasing its legendary heritage was key.


• Celebrate 4x4 Day to strengthen Jeep's image as an off-road leader.

• Differentiate Jeep from competitors in the Argentine market by emphasizing its unique capabilities and heritage.

• Position Jeep as the top choice for adventurers exploring any terrain.


Our creative concept ingeniously parallels human encounters with UFOs to the snow leopard's interaction with a Jeep, showcasing Jeep's off-road capabilities. This narrative highlights Jeep's adventurous spirit and resonates with the universal desire for exploration. Through captivating storytelling and visuals, we amplify Jeep's brand message, evoking wonder and excitement among viewers and reinforcing its reputation as the ultimate vehicle for adventure seekers.


• Data gathering: Insights were gathered on Jeep's brand love and engagement among adventure enthusiasts, shaping our understanding of the target audience.

• Target audience: Adventure enthusiasts, particularly Jeep enthusiasts, formed the primary demographic, valuing exploration and rugged experiences.

• Relevance to social platform: The campaign's emphasis on community-building and storytelling aligns seamlessly with social platforms, fostering connections and effectively amplifying the brand's message.

• Approach: Leveraging the allure of exploration and emotional ties to Jeep's heritage, we celebrated enthusiasts' passion, inviting them into a shared community. Through compelling storytelling, we deepened brand loyalty and engagement.


Implementation: The campaign was meticulously planned, leveraging A.I. and traditional FX techniques to bolster the narrative-driven story. Sound effects were crucial in captivating the audience and imbuing the story with emotional resonance.

Timeline: The campaign strictly adhered to a timeline, with each phase carefully coordinated to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. From conceptualization to post-production, every milestone was achieved on schedule, enabling seamless integration across multiple channels and touchpoints.

Placement: Strategic placement across diverse channels ensured maximum visibility and impact. From digital platforms to traditional media outlets, the campaign reached audiences where they live, work, and play, enhancing exposure and engagement.

Scale: The campaign operated on a scale befitting Jeep's global reputation and ambitions. While locally tailored to resonate with local consumers, its narrative possessed universal appeal, transcending geographical boundaries to resonate with audiences worldwide. Its scale matched the grandeur of Jeep's legacy and aspirations.


During the month of April 2024, in addition to our regular organic posts, we implemented targeted paid advertising for the Jeep “Contact” campaign with the primary goal of maximizing reach.

The campaign was meticulously managed and optimized on a daily basis, resulting in a steady improvement in performance metrics. As a result of our strategic approach, we were able to consistently surpass our initial estimates and achieve a final impression count of over 3.6 million, significantly exceeding our target of 3 million impressions. This success underscores our commitment to delivering impactful and results-driven digital marketing strategies.

The campaign successfully influenced consumer behavior, driving a surge in inquiries and test drives at Jeep dealerships. Online searches for Jeep-related content and engagement with brand channels also experienced a notable uptick during the campaign period.

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