Cannes Lions

Cyber Cocoon Kids


Presentation Image
Case Film






As parents, we are immigrant of Internet Age; but the children are the natives of Internet. Internet become children’s cyber friends, even cyber parents. Some of the parent’s responsibilities were replaced by internet. Children are unwilling to tell their parents about their Internet experiences. Even under the same roof, there appears to be an invisible wall between children and parents in the world of the Internet.

We created new word "Cyber Cocoon Kids" to describe those children who are living in their own cyber world. In order to make such gap and helplessness accessible to more parents, and let them “see” what their children are exposed to the cyber risks. We created a series of special “kids” . Use silicone to make the body, twined 2-mm diameter fibers into a net, and integrated light and sound. When approaching these “kids”, can hear their inner voices, feel their loneliness and helplessness...


Phase 1: One month before the event, we collaborated with artist to Create 4 different kinds of Cyber Cocoon Kids with new materials and technology.

Phase2: In December 2017, Cyber Cocoon Kids made its debut at The 4th World Internet Conference of Wuzhen. We launched a serial of social posters and videos of Cyber Cocoon Kids on Weibo & WeChat.

Phase 3: Hundreds of traditional media and social media reported and reprinted Cyber Cocoon Kids from different viewpoints. Generated hot social discussion online. Attracted audiences to UNICEF official Weibo & WeChat accounts to learn more information of the child internet safety issue.

• Timeline

Sept.10th to Oct. 5th, 2017 Concept development, creative idea generation, PR planing

Oct.15th- Nov. 25th, 2017 Make installations, poster design, video production

Dec 3rd - 6th, 2017 Launch of PR event at The 4th World Internet Conference online/offline

• Scale

Offline Event, TVs ewspapers\digital media\social media


Media Outputs:

Cyber Cocoon Kids has been covered by more than 400 domestic and foreign news media, including CCTV. Hot discussions about Cyber Cocoon Kids on social platforms such as Microblog and WeChat have been conducted, producing up to 43,100 reports and 32 million times of communication.

Target Audience Outcomes?

Results from online survey?about 1W participants one month after this PR Campaign launched?

Awareness of cyber cocoon kids increase from 0 to 8%.

Perceptions of Children Internet Safety increase from 2% to 10%.

91% of Campaign audience accept with the significance of children internet safety.

78% of Campaign audience address strong willing to take action on their kids’s internet surfing

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