Cannes Lions
AIR BRUSSELS, Brussels / CAP48 / 2012
The solution: The CAP48 Traffic StoppersThe trouble with selling at traffic lights is that the light is on red for an average of 40 seconds. Definitely not long enough for volunteers to sell zillions of Sticky Notes.That's why we came up with a unique way to stretch these 40 seconds: the CAP48 Traffic Stoppers: the washing line grannies, the endless ladder carriers, the dance troupe, the conga line, the keepy-uppy star footballer and the little ducklings. Their mission was to stop vehicles at key traffic lights for as long as possible, giving our volunteers more time to sell more Sticky Notes.
The results :- Thanks to our action, CAP48 sold over €1m worth of Sticky Notes. That's an increase of 20%.- When caught in this weird comical situation, drivers couldn’t refuse buying our Sticky Notes.
- Views of the videos, the press coverage and the support of a radio campaign all made sure the action got talked about and drivers started looking out for the next Traffic Stoppers- Also, an amazing 98% of drivers stuck in their cars actually remained smiley all along...
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