Cannes Lions

Don't Miss a Thing



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






Interpolis has a mission: zero victims from traffic incidents in 2050.

Recent research by Interpolis shows that there is a connection between the use of phones in traffic and the feeling of fear of missing out (FOMO). 3/5 teenagers who experiencing FOMO have been involved in a dangerous traffic situation or traffic accident in the past two years. Nevertheless, a third of them consider the chances of being involved in a traffic accident due to their phone to be small. And therein lies the problem: they overestimate themselves. If we do nothing about it, a generation of motorists will grow up who pose a risk to road safety.

Interpolis wants Dutch society to behave safely in traffic. The aim of this campaign is to start a big conversation in society about safe phone behavior in traffic. And is part of the big movement towards zero traffic victims in 2050.


With FOMO as the most important driver to grab your phone with every ping, we choose to turn that feeling around with the central idea: if you are scared of missing out things (FOMO), why do you take the risk of missing everything that lays ahead?

We wanted to touch hearts by showing all the amazing stuff that lays ahead when you’re a teenager. Based on research among teens we knew it’s about traveling, studying, loving and more. Everytime you grab your phone while cycling, you take a serious risk of missing all of that. So, don’t let your phone steal your future. Don’t miss a thing!

We know reaching teenagers through traditional media doesn't work. So we teamed up with upcoming teenage popstar & tiktokker Danique. She translated research of actual bucket list dreams of young people into a music hit called 'When I grow up'.


For teenagers, our primary audience, facts and numbers don’t work, so we build our campaign on an emotional sentiment that truly touches them: don’t let your celphone steal your future. To feed the conversation at home, we also target parents, our secondary audience.

For the teenagers, we create a song, a music video and a behind the scenes series, distributed through social channels. For the parents, we create a 90 sec version of the music video, to be used as TV commercial. Also, we connect with major TV talkshows to cover the story.

To see real behavior change, we offered a simple solution that helps and is easy to do: the Phono app that helps you turn off your phone while biking.


We made an emotional music video, online video and TV-commercial that tells the story of a girl who’s distracted for a little moment by her phone and gets hit by a truck. As she sees what lies ahead, she realizes these are the things she will be missing.

An app called PhoNo, offers teenagers the possibility to cycle with a block on incoming messages. And while the app is active and incoming messages and calls are blocked, teenagers save reward points they can use for supporting charities.

We made a behind the scenes documentary with Danique. She takes you along in her realization that it’s so not worth the risk to use your phone while cycling.

We started a PR-campaign and TV-commercial to make sure all parents also got the message. A conversation starter for the dining table between teenagers and their parents.


The campaign hit Holland like a bang: in just a couple of days it got an organic multimillion audience through TV, radio, print, online and social. Leading news media covered the story, a trending topic on Tiktok, and several talkshows aired the music video (including a surprise gig) and discussed the impact with their guests, while they wiped away a tear.

Just a couple of days later, the campaign went viral again, as the longform TVC aired for a week long, making it trending on Twitter.

Everyone is hit by the video, and starts to talk about (and share) this important message. Youth, parents, but also teachers, emercy workers and others that see this happening first hand.

The campaign has a stacked organic reach of over 120 million (in a country with 17 million citizens),

worth over 2 million euro's. 71% of the teenagers recall the campaign and its message, over 63% of teenagers' parents.

The perception of Interpolis as a societal involved brand rose with 21% (target 5%). Interpolis’ brand sympathy rose with 23 percent (target 5%).

But we are not doing this for reach or brand sympathy, we want to change behavior. And we did:

53.000 downloads of PhoNo after the first quarter (target 10.000). With the use of PhoNo, it’s proven you drive 20% less damage. And above that, no less than 59% of all teenagers that saw the campaign intended to never use their phone while on their bike!

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