Cannes Lions

Doritos Crunch Cancellation

GLASSWORKS, Barcelona / DORITOS / 2023

Presentation Image
Demo Film






Doritos is the segment leader of tortilla chips but losing “affinity” heavily amongst Gen Z (Core Target) due to competitors that are positioning themselves closer to target’s passion points. Doritos needs to drive affinity by tapping into the core target’s passion point in a credible way.

Drive affinity by elevating gamers’ experience with Doritos, whilst putting our product advantages at heart.

#1 Increase Brand Consideration

#2 Increase Penetration

#3 Increase Web Traffic to


Doritos Crunch Cancellation software; the first software to eliminate in real time the annoying crunching sounds made by streamers and gamers eating during live sessions.

The software filters the audio input by detecting and separating ‘talking’ sound waves from the unwanted noise coming from the crunch, in less than 20 milliseconds of processing. The output audio comes out clean & free of unwanted crunch noises.


The target audience we were seeking a behavior change from were Gamers. Within Gamers, our core target was Gen-Z: 0-24 years old, 32% of Gamers. Our secondary target was the rest of gamers: 25-34 years old: 27% / 35-44 years old: 23% / >45 years old: 19%. Gamers are a total audience of 7.2MM in Spain. We partnered with Auronplay (amongst others) which is the top streamer in Spain, with 15 MM followers on Twitch, whom centers his content around Gaming. He was the ambassador who kicked off the Crunch Casting & unveil of Doritos Crunch Cancellation. Furthermore, we pushed summary videos of these events and hyper targeted Gamers through their media interests and behaviors, as well as using semantic intelligence, and finally retargeting Gamers that had interacted with Doritos in previous campaigns. Finally, the software was presented and tested live in Spain’s largest Gaming fare Amazon Gamergy.


We programmed the artificial intelligence app using the NVIDIA algorithm library as a base. Thanks to this, we developed a software that works in real time with AI; our simple idea was to combine an emergent technology from NVIDIA, AI and audio all in one simple Windows App in only one turn-on button to enable it. Gamers and streamers can now crunch away during their stream without disturbing their audience.


Business impact – sales, donations, site traffic: +275% Website visits, 21% Value Sales Increase, x4 vs other snacks brands.

Response rate: 2.1 Million views in 2 streaming’s: Crunch Trolling & Doritos Crunch Cancellation unveiling

Impressions: 386 MM impressions. From those, 14 MM earned media. We were Trending Topic.

Change in behaviour: +2.6pp penetration increase in Gen Z

Consumer awareness: Brand Awarenes increase of 6 pts (from 84% to 90%)

Brand perception: Consideration increase of 10pts (from 45% to 55%)

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