Cannes Lions


SPONGE, London / DR. PEPPER / 2009

Presentation Image






‘Every pack gets’ mechanic offering 20 free random ringtones. True to the Core Creative Idea the ringtone content was revealed when the consumer received it on their mobile. The 20 ringtones included some that were ‘good’ (i.e. content from movies, TV shows) and some ‘embarrassing’ (sounds, jokes). Free text entry eliminated a key barrier to entry. Teens could collect all 20.

On Pack Design - Bespoke pack was created to ensure high cut through on shelf and to increase awareness of the promotion. The brand logo front of pack was swapped with the CCI ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ logo. ‘Text us Free’ was highlighted front of the pack.

ATL - Existing TVC re-aired including an 8 -second promotional tag & Clear communication of the offer, heroing the pack.

POS - Positioned in key outlets to support the campaign.Digital - Interactive online entry portal with previews of tones.


Brand Penetration: Achieved an increase from 7.2 to 8.0 (12 W/E 15 Jun 08 vs YA)Recruitment: Achieved 384k new individuals during the campaign period.

Dr Pepper IC Brand share went from 14.0% to 14.7% (April- June 07 vs April-June 08) & Dr Pepper total market share grew from 7.3% to 8.2% Brand Volume:Achieved growth of 6.1% full year 08 vs 07.Promotion Redemption: Achieved 4.9% redemption.

ROI: The flow on effect of the promotion on full year results in market share growth of 0.9pts in a market declining by 5.9%. The resulting ROI on a full year basis was 4.2:1

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