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Batteries run a high risk of being seen as a commodity and purchased on price alone, especially during a tough economy. PR was challenged to create a campaign that gave consumers reason to choose Duracell over the competition while reinforcing the brand equity: 'Trusted Everywhere'.

With firefighters as influencers in the category, the Power Those Who Protect Us program supported US volunteer firefighters who had an increased need for supplies like batteries due to the economic downturn. These heroes were helped through a simple process – battery donations were triggered with every pack of Duracell batteries purchased. With the insight that consumers prefer causes that impact their community, the program allowed for donations to be localised.

The PR strategy included: • Developing strategic partnership with an organization that provided access all U.S. volunteer departments • Enabling volunteer firefighters to be ambassadors by arming them with tools to spread grassroots awareness • Creating program assets that were engaging and shareable for consumers to drive awareness • Reaching consumers on a local level through a series of 'Thank You' events for departments to generate local media buzz • Utilising appropriate celebrity spokespersons to deliver the program messages via media and social media Duracell secured key media and influencer endorsements for the campaign with 825 million plus media impressions. It reached consumers via social media driving massive engagement on the Duracell Facebook page with 1.2m 'likes' on campaign-related posts. 15m battery donations were activated through consumer purchase for all departments.


1) Fielded volunteer firefighter survey to establish newsworthy findings.

2) Partnered with NVFC for access to the 23,000 volunteer fire departments and to validate the need Duracell was meeting with the program.

Created mailers for each department with template promotional and press materials to help spread the word.3) Secured former NFL MVP Kurt Warner, who grew up next to a volunteer department, to participate in firefighter training and serve as launch spokesperson 1 week prior to the Super Bowl.4) Enlisted Grammy-winning artist Cee Lo Green to rewrite and record a new version of his hit, 'Forget You' as 'Thank You', a tribute to volunteer firefighters. Green, whose mother was volunteer firefighter, had an organic connection, and his willingness to recreate such a famous song garnered tremendous media and social media buzz.

5) Sponsored 'Thank You' events in local markets that doubled as fundraisers to create additional engagement.


• The campaign successfully raised consumer awareness through traditional and online media, generating more than 825 million media impressions. High-profile coverage was seen on ABC News, Access Hollywood,, and The New York Times. 1,599 placements were secured. - A launch exclusive with the Associated Press and three subsequent articles discussing the program. - Majority of coverage included campaign messages and consumer call to action. Duracell’s 'Trusted Everywhere' equity was brought to life by bringing awareness to the fact that volunteer firefighters trust and need their battery-operated equipment to keep them safe.• Drove engagement within social media and secured 1.2m 'likes' on related Facebook posts. • Donated 15m batteries to the nation’s 23,000 volunteer departments triggered through consumer participation. This donation met the needs of 2 years' worth of batteries for every department (652 batteries per department).

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