Cannes Lions

Dytective from SEM to SED

STARCOM, Madrid / SAMSUNG / 2017

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






Search engines had to play a big part on the campaign, but it had to be in totally different way.

In order to make people understand dyslexia and be aware of its importance, we wanted them to experience how it feels to suffer from it.

One of the most common dyslexia symptoms is letter switching and, along with Google, we discovered 1 in 4 searches are mistyped. That’s exactly what people suffering from dyslexia experience every day: letter switching. And a great opportunity to make everyone undestand what dyslexia means when you obtain results that don’t match what you have in mind.

We then chose and compared the 10,000 most used words in kid-related searches so the campaign would be targeted to people related to kids.

Finally, the moment users misprinted a search, a specific sponsored ad would come up alerting about dyslexia and directing users to the Dytective site.


The ad message was simple but always divided in two parts:

- The first part referred directly to what the user just typed (i.e. “Were you searching for cartoons?”), thus creating a non-expected relevancy and a more emotional bond between the user, the search engine, the message and the call to action.

- The second one closed the circle around dyslexia with a standard message that did repeat in every creative: “Dyslexia can complicate things. Early detect dyslexia using our Dytective app for tablets”.

There were also variations depending on the time of year: Christmas, long holiday weekends, etc.

Literally, thousands of different creative based on previously detected data to make for more relevant messages and, ultimately, better conversion rates.


During the months in which the campaign has been active, the results have been promising:

- Average CTR was 8.5 % vs. 6% in average campaign.

- Average ad position was 1.1.

- Downloads reached over 80,000 in 30 days.

- 3,358 kids and teenagers were diagnosed.

- The app is currently being exported to other 9 Spanish speaking countries in Latam.

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