Cannes Lions

EE LearnSmart


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In a context where:

1. The impact of smartphones on young people's wellbeing is increasingly apparent

2. Crucial life and digital skills are being overlooked in school curriculums

3. Parents are concerned about their children's ability to navigate a tech saturated future

EE recognised the challenges that smartphones are introducing to society, their sector's role in this, and the corresponding threat to their own business.

The brief was to design an experience that would address these concerns, freeing education from the constraints of the traditional curriculum by providing children with skills to thrive in a digital world, and reassuring their parents about their children’s ability to lead balanced digital lives.

The primary objectives were:

- Shift EE's brand perception nationwide, underscoring its role in empowering better lives.

- Boost children's confidence through relevant skills.

- Reassure parents their children are equipped with the most relevant skills to thrive today.


If the phone is the problem, could the phone be the solution? LearnSmart is a dynamic mobile tool helping children learn to be smarter, safer and kinder online by teaching crucial digital and life skills.

The more they learn, the more they can unlock related apps and online content - putting the skills they’ve just learned into practice.

If they learn about dealing with negativity online with Marcus Rashford of the England football team and Milly Pickles, they’ll be more ready for social media.

If they complete the “Switch Off to Switch On” skills, where actual Pro Gamers teach them to balance their gaming with the real world, they’ll be more ready for gaming.

As they grow, it grows. Following their phone lives and tackling new influences like AI and how to spot misinformation online.


Creating a learning experience that repurposes smartphones from problem to solution required addressing both parents' and children's needs. To identify those needs we conducted extensive research with both.

We found out that parents are focused on aiding their children's growth but are increasingly concerned about smartphone usage. These findings showed us the need for an experience that would garner their trust by:

-Featuring expert teachers and partners curated by EE.

-Highlighting growth skills that parents believe are neglected, like confidence.

-Reassuring them on their children’s readiness thanks to newly acquired skills.

Our research also uncovered that young learners are experiencing a decline in the joy from learning. We needed a solution that would ignite their natural curiosity and passion:

-Introducing inspiring content and teachers.

-Delivering the experience on the devices and through the formats they love.

-Rewarding them with digital privileges to access experiences they have skilled up for.


LearnSmart is a mobile-first experience designed to use native mobile functionality for both parents and kids. Built around 6 fundamental pillars designed to stimulate learning in children while reassuring their parents.

1. Bite-sized lessons to enhance engagement and concentration.

2. Interactive quizzes embedded in each lesson to reinforce knowledge retention.

3. A focus on educating kids on new formative technologies like AI, instead of waiting until it impacts them negatively.

4. Content delivered by relatable figures, leveraging EE’s network of partners, ranging from Bafta to the Football Association.

5. A unique unlock feature to empower parents and motivate kids. Parents are notified when their child completes new skills and led to the parental controls on the EE app. Children prove their knowledge and can unlock desired digital experiences as a reward.

6. Nationwide accessibility to ensure all families in the UK can benefit, regardless of their network.


LearnSmart is enabling young people in the UK to use their smartphones to thrive in a digital world and helping to address the societal challenges those same devices are generating.

Survey results demonstrate how LearnSmart is boosting confidence and reducing stress in young learners, while also positively impacting parents and EE:

- 2 out of 3 11- to 18-year-olds in the UK believe that LearnSmart makes them feel more confident in themselves and their abilities. 54% feel less anxious about using their smartphone.

- The tool is also positively impacting parents. 79% of parents of 11–18-year-old agree that LearnSmart helps their child prepare to use smartphones safely and responsibly.

- This is creating a positive impact for EE with 89% of 11–18-year-old parents agreeing that EE is making a positive difference in the world through LearnSmart.

(Surveys with 113 parents of 11-18 yo and 115 11-18 children in the UK)

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