Cannes Lions


OGILVY, Mexico City / AEROMEXICO / 2024


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






Brand values specific to the chosen goal:

Aeromexico's brand values and our brand purpose: to elevate the journey to an extraordinary experience, taking care of us and our world, align directly with the pursuit of gender equality. As a company, we believe in diversity, inclusion, and the power of visibility. We stand firmly against discrimination and violence.


To unleash a potent campaign tackling the critical issues facing the LGBTQ+ community head-on, our goal was to ignite awareness and spur action through bold dialogue initiation.


Boost brand allyship with LGBTQ+ community, raise awareness on their struggles. This campaign isn't about raising eyebrows; it's about raising protest. Empty Seats aims to defy norms, smash discrimination, and blaze a trail for an inclusive Mexico.


Empty Seats isn’t just a campaign; it’s a forceful denouncement of hate, violence, and discrimination in Mexico. These Empty Seats aren’t just vacant; they echo the lives lost to senseless violence, demanding justice, and change. Our research involved gathering stories from numerous individuals who have experienced violence and discrimination in Mexico. Some of these individuals are no longer with us, but we managed to compile hundreds of life stories and immortalize them by creating hours and hours of audios for the immersive exhibition. Partnering with the Memoria y Tolerancia Museum in Mexico City, a cultural institution focused on human rights education, that promotes tolerance and diversity, we unleashed an immersive installation that commands attention and challenges complacency. This isn’t an average campaign, it’s a bold initiative that sparks important conversations and drives meaningful social progress.


Our strategy delved into the harsh realities of LGBTQ+ violence and discrimination in Mexico, fueling our campaign's potent message. Our target? Everyone. We aimed to reach not only the 5 million Mexicans who identify as LGBTQ+ and their allies but also those unaware or indifferent to the harsh reality of discrimination, including those opposed to the community. Despite the risk of receiving 'hate' during the campaign, we remained committed to our goal: to ignite conversations, drive progress, and inspire action for LGBTQ+ human rights.

In a landscape rife with 'rainbow washing' during Pride, we sought to make the issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community tangible. Partnering with the Memoria y Tolerancia Museum. This PR-centric strategy positioned the campaign as a prominent movement against violence and hatred.

In summary, "Empty Seats" was bold initiative challenging complacency and sparking important conversations about discrimination in Mexico, driving significant social progress.


In June 2023, we launched a bold initiative, leaving actual empty seats on our flights to symbolize the fight against LGBTQ+ violence in Mexico. These seats became the focal point of our campaign, sparking conversations and capturing attention. Concurrently, we strategically rolled out hero content across platforms—Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube—crafted for maximum impact. This momentum culminated in an immersive exhibition at the Memoria y Tolerancia Museum on June 24th, where the same empty seats from our flights were displayed as powerful symbols of the LGBTQ+ struggle. Collaborations with the museum and targeted lifts and banners further amplified our message, urging action. With support from LGBTQ+ influencers and celebrities, our campaign drove museum attendance and sparked crucial conversations nationwide. From the innovative use of real empty seats to challenging societal norms, our campaign was a journey of resilience, igniting a clarion call for change across Mexico.


The campaign has been a real game changer for Aeromexico's image. We're talking a whopping 49% more people talking about us and a crazy 159% boost in how many folks saw our stuff compared to last year. That's like blowing last year's numbers out of the water by almost a third and more than doubling our reach. Our own media game was on fire, reaching 98% almost double our target. When we launched the museum exhibit, it generated estimated earned media was $820,000 worth of buzz. And get this - our campaign turned a full 50% of negative vibes into an amazing 80% positive buzz about LGBTQ+ issues, making people feel 130% better about our content. We also scored big on being seen as a socially responsible brand and LGBTQ+ supporter, up 7 pp from last year. But the best part? We got people talking about things that really matter.

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