Cannes Lions


McCANN SPAIN , Madrid / IKEA / 2019


2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






IKEA is a brand that defends the essence of home as a place where values are learnt, shared and talked about. But due to the uncontrolled use of mobiles, that sense of spending time together and sharing has been lost.

The aim was to develop a campaign that connects emotionally to society and inspires people to have a different Christmas together, showing that what’s really important at this time of year.


We know more about what’s happening on social media and the online world than we do about our own family.

To raise awareness in society about this problem, we created “Familiarized”, a board game that is 100% analogue to find out more about our family members, the only requirement was to switch off mobile phones.

To let people know about it, we launched the ad in which we invited five real families to take part in a Christmas quiz show about the people around them.

Under the hashtag #DisconnectToReconnect,, IKEA made us reflect on the abuse of technology and the need to spend more time with our loved ones.


Target audience: For the many



The campaign was initially launched on their own media, specifically on the IKEA YouTube channel and a week later on TV. We created the "Familiarized" board game both physically and online so that everyone could reconnect with their loved ones. What's more, we created a series of memes so that social media users could use it and use it on their profiles to disconnect.


The campaign was on air between 29 November and 23 December.


Television, Social Media, Native Content.


Estimated Advertising Value: 2,816,593 Million Euros.

Ad retention 72%

Over 60,000 people played “Familiarizados” during their Christmas dinners.

Number 1 trending video in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Panama, Venezuela…

The campaign was loved so much that projected sales increased by 17.6% just 3 weeks post lunch.

Over 2.5M earned media.

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