Cannes Lions

Fight for What Counts

EDELMAN, London / GLOBAL FUND / 2023

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






The Global Fund was set up in 2002 with the sole aim to eradicate HIV, TB and Malaria by 2030 - fighting healthcare inequities which have been ingrained in society, determining who lives and who dies.

Brief: Head up Global Fund's 7th Replenishment cycle for funds.


• Create a campaign concept that cut through

• Generate assets that could be amplified by partners and at events, including the Pledge Conference investment moment

• Build belief and interest in the opportunity to save and improve the lives and health of millions

• Highlight the impact of the Global Fund in our storytelling

The Global Fund gave us its most ambitious target yet. It asked us to raise over $15 Billion - that's over $2 Billion more than had ever been raised before.

(Previous cycles raised: $12.9 Billion in 2016, $11.9 Billion in 2013)



Covid created steep competition for funding from protentional donor countries. Diseases like HIV, TB and malaria suddenly seemed more distant and less important by comparison.

This deprioritising of the Global Fund’s targets, put its progress towards the eradication of these deadly diseases under threat, widening healthcare inequalities and injustice.


We conceived “Fight For What Counts”: a multi-dimensional integrated campaign to champion individuals behind the healthcare fight and make their challenges and achievements feel close, personal and vivid for decision-makers when it mattered.

We tapped into the lived experiences of healthcare workers and diseases survivors from some of the world’s most impacted countries. Then we created powerful films, texts, sound bites, social assets and a large-scale immersive experience to tell their stories to the people with power, before the all-important decisions were made.

A bold design language linked the materials across every element of the campaign.


Target Audience:

Global world leaders and private donors with decision-making power around aid and charitable funding.


Harness the power of the amazing Global Fund network to trigger empathy and then action-based conversations around critical aid in cabinets and boardrooms worldwide.

Humanise the numbers and statistics of the fight against malaria, Tuberculous and Aids to drive proximity, connect deeper and inspire action.

Ease decision-making for those involved in ongoing funding, by reminding world leaders that the Global Fund is the world’s proven system to fight diseases today and tomorrow.

Relevance to platform:

Our integrated campaign approach ensured that the essence of the campaign message came through in a clear, compelling and consistent way across every touch point for world leaders and major private donors in the run-up to the replenishment cycle. Our message cascaded horizontally and vertically driven by the depth and strength of the worldwide Global Fund movement.


1. Preparatory meeting, hosted by five African nations and with over 140 heads of state.

2. Design led 104-page Investment Case.

3. Full campaign identity and inspiring communications campaign, bringing the mission’s narrative to life. Campaign identity encapsulated the Global Fund movement, with the people of the fight visible at the heart of all our storytelling - images and content.

4. Full suite of 500+ assets and templates for use at events, online, on social media.

5. For the Pledge Conference hosted by President Joe Biden in New York City, we orchestrated an immersive experience at Gotham Hall, featuring multidirectional sound, projections and stage moments.

6. Secured 360 minutes of pro-bono ad-space in Times Square.


The Global Fund was set up in 2002 with the sole aim to eradicate HIV, TB and Malaria by 2030 - fighting healthcare inequities which have been ingrained in society, determining who lives and who dies.

Brief: Head up Global Fund's 7th Replenishment cycle for funds.


• Create a campaign concept that cut through

• Generate assets that could be amplified by partners and at events, including the Pledge Conference investment moment

• Build belief and interest in the opportunity to save and improve the lives and health of millions

• Highlight the impact of the Global Fund in our storytelling

The Global Fund gave us its most ambitious target yet. It asked us to raise over $15 Billion - that's over $2 Billion more than had ever been raised before.

(Previous cycles raised: $12.9 Billion in 2016, $11.9 Billion in 2013)

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