Cannes Lions



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Although it was announced in March 2011 that the Bank of Melbourne brand was being revived, the first branches would not be opening their doors until late July.

• Although it was announced in March 2010 that the Bank of Melbourne brand was being revived, the first branches would not be opening their doors until late July.• Positioning themselves as a competitor to the big 4 with the localised service and products of a regional bank meant that Bank of Melbourne faced a large list of competitors and needed to distinguish themselves in the cluttered financial services market.• In the weeks after announcement, Bank of Melbourne faced a range of questions about their offerings and were challenged to bring something different. With no products or services set in stone, answering was difficult. Only one thing was for certain: Bank of Melbourne would be for Victorians, by Victorians.• Research revealed that we were speaking to the 50% of Victorians who prefer to bank with a regional bank, the same group of people experiencing the notorious woes of Melbourne’s public transport system.• Introducing Bank of Melbourne’s Fan Fare: a social campaign to improve the daily commute of Victorians.• With $25,000 of free public transport; we achieved the following results for Bank of Melbourne and more:1. Our Facebook fan base grew by 5,470% from 600 to over 6,500.2. Our registered database of potential customers more than doubled as it grew by 124.8%, from 1,756 to 3,947 exceeding our target of 2,500.3. 100% retention saw each and every Victorian St. George customers happily transition to Bank of Melbourne.


Bank of Melbourne's Fan Fare: a campaign to improve the daily commute of Victorians.

• During the first week, free coffee was served to commuters during peak hour. Cups featured a clear CTA to 'improve your commute even more with $25,000 of free travel' by joining the Fan Fare on Facebook.• On the way home, targeted press ads in MX featured cheeky headlines.• At home, targeted Facebook ads asked questions such as: 'Got free time? Get free transport.'• And finally, the brand identified 150 key influencers online and seeded the campaign to them, and in turn, their social networks.• On the Facebook page, people shared their travel stories for the chance to win free travel.• But it was gamification and an incentive to share that sealed our success. With each share, people went into a higher prize pool.Fan Fare ran from June 29 - July 22 2011.


With minimal media spend, Fan Fare achieved the following results for Bank of Melbourne: 1. The brand's positive sentiment increased beyond our original 80% target to 85%.2. Our Facebook fan base grew by 5,470% from 600 to over 6500. All before a single branch had opened its doors. That's 155% of the initial campaign target.3. Our registered database of potential customers more than doubled as it grew by 124.8%, from 1,756 to 3,947 exceeding our target of 2,500.4. Interactions with the brand on Facebook increased by over 3,418% compared to the pre-campaign period.5. An astounding 81% of all participants shared the Fan Fare with friends6. Leading to 6,585 people receiving a direct recommendation to join Fan Fare from a friend

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